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Time Travel. Just as fascinating as it sounds, it is. Movement between certain points in time and space. Visiting your past, or in that case your future to amend mistakes that haunt you today, but everything has its cons. Its not easy as it sounds nor is it all about the bright side. Welcome to my story. This is the story of how I lived and the story of how I died.

I came into this world on the 13th of September, 1995. Yes, today's that day when I finally turn 22, and that 3 digit number on my neck lowers by a score. You might be wondering what I'm talking about or have I gone bonkers.
There's this thing about me, a secret only I know, a secret I hide under the polo necks and scarfs. A secret- my death....

Time's All I've Got (#10 in Science Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now