Life Goes On

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Life goes on. Another day was here, a fresh start. With every new day that passed since my birthday, I eventually used to disregard the unwanted "tattoo" on my neck.

I was so engaged in my research that the days and nights all seemed to pass by in a minute. This was the one thing that had my full attention right now. I had lost contact with the world.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. My phone kept on buzzing.

"565 messages from 6 conversations, pending requests on Facebook, 30 Snapchats, 15 E-mails. Wow! I really need to brush up on my social skills.
All of my friends might be thinking I'm dead by now, no phone calls, no texts, nothing."

I grabbed my phone from the table next to my bed and there it vibrates. I answer the call.

"Hello, am I speaking to Jenna?"

"Yesss, it's me Rose, but what's wrong with you?"

"I should be the one asking you that. No calls, you didn't even reply to my texts, what's up Jenna??"

"I've been into something all this while and it's yet not finished. Uhhhggg."

"We need to meet!" Both of us exclaimed.

"Okay, so see you at the coffee shop today, 5 pm sharp. Don't be late." Rose seemed desperate to meet me. Not that we haven't seen each other in forever or anything of that sort, she just sounded different and worried.

"Sureeee." I hung up.

I dozed off immediately after I disconnected. My eyes directly opened at 4:00 pm. "Time to get ready!"

I washed my face and slapped some powder on, put on a raglan tshirt with dark blue jeans and sport shoes. I was ready to go. I always rode to places on my bike, so I left home by 4:30. Dot 5:00 pm I was outside the coffee shop waiting for Rose. She turned up after 10 minutes.

"Don't be late. I wonder who said those golden words." I sarcastically told Rose.

"Whatever, now let's go inside I have something important to tell you."

We entered the shop and sat by the glass window. The table where we always sat during high school. It used to be occupied by 3 before, but now it's only us 2. That table brought back so many memories, like they were waiting to be remembered, waiting to be dug out from the grave of time.

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