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So yeah I suck at making a first sentence.

Phew! Glad that's over.

In this story there are 4 main charters. Let me introduce you to them!

Number 1
Name: Josh Adams
Age: 18
Good at: sports and being sexy
Loves: being awesome
Hates: people who walk slowly
Random secret: loves romance books

Number 2

Name: Robert Woods
Age: 17
Good at: math
Loves: reading
Hates: Josh
Random secret: eats his own boogers

Number 3

Name: Lisa Heine
Age: 18
Good at: drawing
Loves: drawing, duh!
Hates: the color yellow
Random secret: addicted to gum

Number 4

Name: Kim Summer
Age: 18
Good at: acting
Loves: dreamy boys
Hates: mean people
Random secret: wears old lady underwear

POV: Josh

"Boring!" I yell. The entire class starts laughing. "Am I not entertaining you Mr. Adams?" I roll my eyes. "Why do we need to know about some dead ass dude?" I say. Everyone starts laughing again. Even the girl sitting next to me. I never heard her laughing before. It's kinda cute. "To the principal's office!" The teacher yells. I stand up and grab my bag. "What's your name?" I ask the girl next to me. "Today Mr. Adams!" I look up. "Lisa"I look back down at the girl. She smiles, I smile back at her. I'm pretty damn sure there is smoke coming from the teachers ears. Quickly I walk/run toward the door. But before I leave I bow for my amazing performance. The class starts clapping. Then I run out of the classroom.

I walk towards the principals door. "Mr. Adams" I close the door behind me. "Mr. principal!" I wink towards him. He slabs his hand to his face. "This behavior is no longer tolerated" not this speech again. Better grades, be good, blah blah blah. Where is my phone? I could play some candy crush while waiting for his speech to be done.

POV: Lisa

Stupid teacher sends away the only cute guy in class. Is she crazy? Am I finally able to sit next to the cutest guy of the school and he gets send away, not that he would be interested in me though. I sighted. I look towards me, te teacher is talking about some dead person who invented the light bulb. I started to draw a little.


"Huh? What? Where am I?" Oh right class, And the bell rang. So class is over! Yay! I grab my pencils and books and put them in my bag. Time for lunch! I try to look for a quiet spot where I can draw. I look for my favorite spot. It's taken by some nerd. Great. The guy is reading a book, it looks interesting. He would be pretty cute with some contact lenses. I start walking again, maybe I can find another spot.

POV: Robert Woods

This book is so interesting! I can't wait for school to be over. So I'll be able to go to the library. I look up from my book. Some girl is looking at me, with a weird look. Then she turns around. And I return to my book. "Nerd!" I look up from my book again. It's Josh the most annoying person of the school. "Can you stop calling me a nerd?" I ask politely and a little pissed. "But I call everyone like that" he points at a boy with a football shirt "sporty dude" then he points at a girl with purple hair. "Artsy girl" and he keeps on pointing at people giving them names like "anime girl, goth dude, stinky and ponytail." I roll my eyes. "I still don't like you calling me nerd" He looks at me, trying to think. Probably of some kind of insult. "How about" he pauses for a moment "Harry Potter!" I point out my finger ready to make an argument. Then I pause. That's not so bad. I put my finger down. "I like it" i say. "Yes, I knew it!" He smiles, probably proud of his work. He finally walks away. So I can return to my book.

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