Flames turn into ashes

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There are so many words to say,
But only a handful of ears to hear.
And not a single mind to understand,
I'm afraid, if I'm left with any friend.

So my words remain quite,
Never try to come in front of the stage.
But my heart still feels like a burning fire,
It wants to say but is so afraid.

I wonder if you could hear my soul,
So I need not want to speak.
The clean truth of my heart,
As pure as the white bird's feather, so neat.

So what would you do?
Now that you know the candour
Would you still love me?
Or would you let me bleed in pain?
Would you know what I feel?
Or would you too drive yourself insane?

I'd better not let you glance at my soul,
Won't let you know my thoughts.
It is better that you won't understand,
At the end, flames will turn into ashes
And the ashes into sand.

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