I'll Be Gone Sooner Enough.

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I'll be gone sooner enough,
Not leaving a note on your door,
I'll be flying to an other country,
When you'll miss our love from the twenties.

I won't turn back to find you,
I'm escaping from our past to remind you,
That I worth more than those
Dreamless nights
And those endless and inevitable fights.

I'll be gone sooner enough, 
Like your whiskey made you away from me.
Like the sun swallowed our love within me.
Now you are only a stranger in the vast sea
Of grief and agony, as if you painted
My world into a colourless tree.

In the darkness of the crestfallen summer,
Your tempting body will miss my presence,
In the havoc of tornado, your life will be cursed,
When the thoughts of my absence will be pierced,
In your empty simpleton brain.
I'll be gone sooner enough,
To let you die in the merciless rain.

- darshi.

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