Part 1: Welcome to Four Starlight Academy!

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   Akari: Dream-(wait don't go, I want to be..on the top..go where..WAIT)!! Brother: hey sis wake up your late for school? Akari: What? Hey, what are u doing my room? Brother: mom told me to wake u up and the bus is here. Akari: Oh No! I gotta get dressed. Brother: thinking(Omg she is always like this). Akari got dressed and quickly went downstairs without her shoes. Mom: akari, u forgot your shoes? Akari: oh, thx. Mom: and ur breakfast? Akari: bye mom love u and I will eat on the way! She ran and ran and finally caught the bus. Kirsty: late again? Akari: yeah. Kirsty: lol, the old akari I know. Akari: (smiling). The bus stoped and they got off. Students chattering-(hey, what's up. How are u?.) Laura: hey akari? Akari: hey Laura. Laura: what are u going to do in the summer cause we got this week left of school and it's SUMMER!!! Akari: YES!! I love summer and I don't know what I am going to do? Laura: well, I am going to Paris and France! Ohh..I can't wait for it, so happy!! Akari: wow! That's great Laura, but I got to get to class now, bye. Laura: bye. Akari: Thinking-( I don't know what I am going to do this summer. I will just do my usual things). ~Bell rings~ Everyone going to class~ Teacher: class we have about 3 more days until we get out of school, we got classes off and ur going to pick a college and a high that we'll continue. Ur free until the last day. Hopefully u will find a college to go to! Bell rings~ have a good rest of the day and see u soon if ur planning to go here or goodbye! Kirsty: akari. Akari: Kirsty! Kirsty: why are u sad? Akari: well, I don't know what college to go to? Kirsty: seriously?! That's so easy. Akari: what do u mean? Kirsty: I mean I know what school be prefect for us! Akari: really??! Kirsty: yup and it's called FOUR STARLIGHT ACADEMY!!!:) akari: OMG, I LOVE THE SOUND OF THAT AND I LIKE HOW IT LOOKS LIKE TOO!!;) kirsty: LOL!  My job is done and it starts in five days. Akari: What? Five days? Kirsty: yup and u know what's the best part of it also it's not actually a college where u learn boring stuff. Is where u do AWESOME STUFF!! Akari: can't wait! And what's the best part?? Kirsty: the best part is that...ITS A IDOL SCHOOL!! Akari: Really? I am so into it. Kirsty: I know u would be, lol! We'll see u in five days akari and at Four Starlight school. Akari: yeah and see u later. 

~*Five days later~*

Alarm set for 6:00am( Beep..Beep)-Akari:(yawning) ran to the calendar . Today's is the opening of Four Starlight Academy! Gotta get ready and go. Mom: akari( surprised) cause she never seen her up this early. Akari: yes mom and mom I sign up for this college and it starts today also I will be living there but I will visit every break! Mom: ok. Love u akari and see u soon also have a great time honey:). Akari: ok, bye mommy and bro see u soon and love u;)!  Akari:( it's finally time for me to start something i always wanted and dream. Can't wait to start my brand new dream and life)!!! Akari: kirsty wait! Kirsty: ready? Akari: Always!! ^^~TO BE CONTINUED^^~


I am myself actually excited  what going to happen next and I think it's going to be interesting cause she started this new chapter of her life. Stay tuned for the next chapter which is gong to be tomorrow! Comment and vote also heart what u think if this start of my new writing and akaris new dream and life.

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