1- plot

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Kaia POV~

My skin itched, and my head hurts. I was doing my best to ignore those feeling's I didn't know what to do but ignore them. I pulled my cloak closer walking through the snowy lands it was windy and snowing hard I could bearly see in front of me I was cold. I wanted to find a home or someplace to stay for the night, but who would have a place built in the middle of the snow lands far from everyone. people like my brother Zane but he like to rule and take charge of a land, of the people. 

Ignoring that thought I looked around my vision was blurry my head was spinning as a figure was walking toward me I collapsed I could walk any more I was in so much pain to even move. I see the figure running to me then my vision went dark.

????? POV~

I picked her up, she was unresponsive her hair oddly had two different color's but that doesn't matter she wouldn't survive the weather if I left her alone. I ran back to my small home as quick as I could.

I closed my door as I walked in, I laid her on my bed and pulled my quilt over her body to keep her warm. she looked pale I could hear through her shiver's grones of pain, I put my hand on her forehead, still cold. I put a warm folded wet rag on her forehead, this was the best I could do for her.


The knocking on my door woke me up. I walked over and opened it to see a young female with raven black hair and caramel eyes, and a young male with light brown hair and icy blue eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you but can we come in it's to cold to even make a camp out there," the female said.

"I don't mind come in," I said then closed the door behind them. "I was going to make some soup, do you want any?" I asked.

"thank you so much," she said I could still hear slight grones of pain from that other girl.

"is she ok?" I looked to see the male looking over the other female.

"I'm afraid not, I found her earlier in the snow, she collapsed and she was freezing so I brought her in here not wanting to leave her out there to die," I said and started making the soup. "I thought it was just frost pains but it's not that, I don't know what's going on with her," I said sadly.

"when the storm dies down we can take her back to our village," the raven-haired female said.

"mind me asking your names?" I asked.

"I'm Aphmau this is Laurence," she answered.

"I'm Gregory," I said.

Next Day

Laurence POV~

I carried her back to Phoenix Drop walking back wasn't far. "Laurence, Lord Aphmau you made it back, I was worried," Garroth said relieved. "who is she?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't know, Gregory found her in the snowstorm, collapsed, freezing, and in pain, we need to get her to Lucinda," I said. I walked over to her tower I walked in and she turns to look at me.

"what happened?" she asked and rushed over to her as I laid her down on the bed.

"when we were on the snow lands Gregory found her collapsed, freezing, and in pain, took her here hoping you'll have a better clue of what's happening to her.

Kaia POV~

voices are all around me everything hurts. opening my eyes it was blurry at first but eventually, everything cleared up. "she's awake" a light brown hair guy said and I saw a girl with orange hair.

"where am I?" I asked in a weak groggy voice. I just had a feeling like I need to get out of here I just didn't feel safe. I forced my self to get up and I tried to take a step but I just fell to the ground holding my stomach, I curled up.

"please don't try to move with the amount of pain you're in," the girl had a very smooth calming voice. I felt hands just pulling me up I went along with them I was really in no position to fight with either of them. I was no put back on the bed, it was nice to lay on an actual bed for a change.

"to answer your question you in Pheniox Drop," the male said. "What happened to you in the winter lands?" he asked.

"I was... Fighting with... one of the southern werewolves... I ran trying to escape him... he bit me in one of the open wounds I already had.... ever since then my skin had an itchy feeling... everything was hurting... my head was throbbing," I explained.

"you're more than likely turning into a werewolf yourself," the girl said, that's what I figured. "I have no idea what you'll be going through, but I'll be here to monitor you and heal what wounds you have, just get some rest ok," she said.

"I'll get you something to eat," he said and walked out. I don't even feel hungry, she walked over to me and cast a few spells.

Garroth POV~

she just looks so fimmiler I can't place it...

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