Chapter 1

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Main actors. Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley, Candice Accola, Kat Graham, Zach Roerig, Michael Trevino and Steven R. McQueen. I finish reading their name email directions.

It's been almost three months since we had our holidays. After finishing filming season four of the vampire diaries, we gave everyone a break during May, June and July so we could all rest some time, like we usually do after wraping a season. But now, one day before August, i'm sending the main actors we will be having this new season five, an email contacting with them so they can join in six days again to start with table reads and all the filming.

Actually this year we got extra time after we finished shooting season four, which let us start filming half of season five and we kept it safe until they told us we were able to continue with the show. So that means we only have to shoot the other half and we can be a bit more relaxed and not that stressed and short of time.

I'm hoping for many good things to happen this new period, it is a blessing to have a fifth season. Few shows have this opportunity, you know, audience is the real boss in the show bussiness. If they like what you offer, you can continue. If they don't, you can say goodbye to the show.
We were very lucky this past seasons, people is loving the tv serie. And i understand it, vampires, blood, drama and romance it is an amazing mix of genres, mostly for teenagers. And even more, if that includes hot sexy actors and actresses... we made a good choice with the cast.

I can't wait to see you guys, i'm really looking forward to work again with you. With love, Julie. I end writting. And it's sent.


I finish reading Julie's email.

- So, we are back to the thing. - I sight.

Right now i'm sitting on the porch of my beach house in Florida. I've spent there most of my vacations.

I'm going through a tough time... The love of my life and i called it quits and broke up on May, so that brings me being here all alone.

After splitting i was devastated. I couldn't and still can't believe that the person who i love most on this world has gone. I know her for almost five years because of 'the vampire diaries' and being with her everyday and every moment has made this even more difficult.

It was my fault... i will always blame myself on what happened. I shouldn't have preassured her. She wasn't ready, she told me, several times in fact. But i just didn't listen and as her couple, her partner and mostly her friend it was so wrong of me.

The difference in ages can sometimes be against you. I know many people says: the age is the last thing, if you love someone it doesn't matter. But in our case it kinda did. She is 23 and i almost double her. She wasn't ready to compromise, to settle. I was and i didn't respect her.

That was what leaded us to separate. Weeks later we let the press spread it all around social media, that seconds after, it blew up our notifications with tweets, comments and all kind of ways to let us know that people around the world were sad and upset because we weren't that 'it couple' of Hollywood anymore.

We try as professional actors, to separate our personal life from work. When all this happened we were almost finishing season 4, so i woke up the next mornings, gathered my force and went to work.
I can only speak about how i felt, but i bet she did the same thing because when we saw each other on set, we just hung there with the cast, acted like normal tv partners and we made our scenes the best way we could, not as Ian and Nina but as Damon and Elena.

I haven't seen or listened about her since we wrapped season 4, not a word during the three month break. When it started, i came to Florida, to think and relax. I wonder where she is now, i saw some pics of her at the beggining of summer but then i didn't see anymore, it is like she dissapeared. And i'm glad for her, paparazzis can be so annoying and i just wanted them to stop.
Anyway i guess i will see her in six days.


It hasn't been two days since i sent the emails to the cast and i already got aswers from most of them.

Everybody answers me that they will be in Atlanta, Georgia in four five days to start the new season.

When we first started with the show, we decided to film in Georgia because Los Angeles is expensive, and now most tv shows or movies have started to film here or in a cheaper place such as Vancouver.

Suddendly i scroll the computer screen down and realize that there's one person who hasn't answered me yet. Nina.

- No, she didn't answer. - I talk to myself. - Well, she will. She still has two more days to do it... - And right after i say that, my phone starts ringing.

Nina Dobrev. I read.

- Hi Nina! How are your holidays going? - I greet her excited after pressing the green button.

- Hey Julie... yeah, we should talk. - She says from the other line.

[Hey everyone!

WELCOME to my new story and #nian fanfic!

I recently started watching tvd for the first time and im obsessed with everything it has to do with it! Im a huge fan on Nina Dobrev and my otp ship is #nian (ian and nina).

So, that brought me to start writting this! I will try to update asap although i dont promise anything, im really busy with hs this year cause its my last year and i have many things to do, but im so looking forwards to keep going with this!

Go read my other stories! And dont forget to vote, comment, share and follow me on instagram @tvd_giirl.

Thank you so much!]

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