Chapter 3

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I turn off the motor and remain quiet on my seat. I look up and see the enormous set right in front of me.

- Here we are again... - I sight.

It's not that i don't want to keep going with the show, i really like the environment here and mostly my job, but it's difficult to stay focus and keep the same good vibes with the cast since last season, after Nina and i broke up.

We had three more episodes left from season four to shoot when we splitted. It was awkward for everyone but we tried to make it as easy as possible, so we could finish filming.

Once we finished, it seemed like she just wanted to ignore and avoid me. Three days after i lost track of her, i didn't know where she went during the break and neither we talked each other.

After so many months without seeing the cast hopefully the tension on set has gone and we can all start fresh.

- Oh hey. - I suddenly say when i hear her knock my car window.

I pick up my folder with my script and papers, open the door and get out of the car.

- Hey Ian, how have you been? -She smiles at me and then hugs me.

- Hi there Kat, it's good to see you again. - I hug her back. - How was your break?

- Awesome and much needed. - She answers. - What... What about you? - She asks after doubting about if she should have done that question.

- You now... - I just say knowing she will understand. - We should get going or we will be late. - I pass my arm around her shoulder and walk towards the entrance.

The moment i cross the door all the good memories i have made here come rushing into my mind and makes me smile, realizing how much i like being here despite it remembers me about my romance with Nina.

Kat pulls away from me and goes to greet Candice and other girls from the cast although none of them include the girl i'm interested in.

- Hey man. - Matt Davis says from behind me.

- Hey, what's up? - We hit cuffs.

- Really good, how about you? Haven't seen you in weeks.

- You know, taking my time on Florida. - I can only say but it seems like he gets it because he doesn't ask me anything else.

He excuses himself and leaves to greet the rest of the cast. I do the same thing and say hi to other people until i meet my closest.

- Hey there Wesley. - I smirk and he brings me into a hug.

- Hey there Smold-Somerhalder. - He corrects himself quickly. - Sorry i didn't mean to. - He apologizes realizing his mistake.

- It's fine bro... Seriously. - There is a four second awkward silence in which we both don't know how to continue the conversation. - So, have you...?

- Not really. - He answers me.

- Oh... Why is that?

- Hum, i don't know. When the break started she seemed to have a rush to go somewhere and we haven't talked much since. Just a couple times tho, but through phone calls and she sounded distant, even with me. - I just nod, it has turned weird for all the cast. We all keep talking as we usually did but things changed a bit and i don't know how but we always end up talking about Nina.

- Well, i understand that it's cold between us but between you two... come on, you are like siblings. It's kind of weird you two haven't talked like everyday at everytime.

- I know, whatever we will see her today. - I half smile.

He knows i want to see her, he knows i still care and love her the way i did when we were still dating. The only thing we are not sure is that she wants to know about me, and she ignoring and avoiding me all these months say it all.

- Meeting in room 13 please. Room 13. - We can hear through the speakers on the halls.

- Let's get going with this then. One more season. - Paul says.

We all walk to the room where i say hello to Julie and Kevin, who are welcoming us all and the new cast incorporating this new season five.

- Now that we are all we can inaugurate this new season. Welcome everybody! We are so glad to have you back here. - Julie starts while I look around, checking out who is in the room. - I can't believe we are having this opportunity, to be able of producing and sharing with the world the rest of your character's life, how they grow and become new mature and adult people. - And no, she is not here.

- Hum, have you seen... - I whisper to Paul who is standing next to me.

- No, i haven't. She is not here. - He always knows what i'm asking him. That's how good we understand each other.

I can notice him looking around the whole room, he also cares about her. He has always cared. Since the very first day she has being like his little sister and he has been there for her every single time. He loves her as much as i do, but in another way.

- So, we will be starting today with the first table read during this whole week and then we will begin with the filming. We should be realeasing the first episode on May 2014, so we will be keeping the same timetable that last time and we will be including extra times with those we need to. Each one of you will have different schedules depending on the episode and your participation on it. - Kevin is the one who continues explaining.

- Hum, hey Julie. - Paul finally decides to interrupt Kevin. Everybody turns to us waiting for him to talk. - Where... where is Nina? - The cast looks around noticing for the first time that she was missing, how could they?

I hoped he asked that. I would have asked myself but it would be weird and although we broke up i'm not over her, something that it's difficult for me to admit.

- Well, Nina, she is not coming back... - What? She is not coming back? That really got me by surprise, and i think it did more to Paul because he expected she would tell him. - ... Right now. - Julie finishes, making Paul and i relief but still be concerned about why and i bet the rest of the cast is too, but nobody asks anything else. - We will be shooting all the possible scenes where she doesn't appear. When she comes back in January, we will finish shooting all her scenes and have the season almost wrapped in time for the realising in May.

January?! Okay, that is too long. Why wouldn't she come back right now? Can it be because we...? No, that is so selfish of me. Not everything revolves around you Ian, i say to myself. But deep down a part of me wants me to be the reason she is not here, because she can't stand seeing me again or else she would break down. And that would confirm me she is not over me, just like i'm not over her.


Hope you are liking this new fanfic! Im really enjoying writting this, wished it would be real!

Sorry for the slow updates but maybe this looong chapter compensates it!

Thanks for reading! xxx]

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