Chapter 13

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"(Y/N), wake up" I heard someone faintly say

"Mmm, one more minute"

"No you can't, your parents called"

"What?" I said while rubbing my eyes

"Your parents called, they said you have to take the subway back"

"They're not coming?" I yawned and got up to stretch

"They said the can't come, the police said that they didn't want more accidents"

"Okay, um Yamato. . ."


"Your parents aren't coming back?"

"No they went on a trip so I'm alone for now"

"Um, why don't you come with me? We have a spare bedroom so you can stay with us for a while until your parents get back" I said and quickly looked down

Ugh, what did I do? I feel like I'm blushing, there's no way I'm getting feelings for him. . . Right?

"I would like that" he replied

I looked up and saw him with a big smile, I couldn't resist to smile back

God, his smile is so cute. . .

"Okay you too, we haven't found Elvin yet so one officer is going to take you too to the subway station so you guys can be on your way" the officer said

I nod and another officer comes in telling us we should go

The officer takes us to the subway station where he hands us some tickets for the next train back home

"T-thank you"

"You're welcome, now stay safe" he says and leaves

"Hey (Y/N), will your parents like me? I mean like you invited me to stay over your house but I'm kinda nervous to meet your parents"

"Y-yes of course they will, you saved me after all"

Why did he ask that? Sounds like we're dating and he's meeting my parents for the first time, wait what am I thinking about? Just be cool

I shake my head and slap my cheeks gently

"Are you okay?" Yamato asks

"Yes I'm fine" I said

After a while of waiting the buss finally arrives and we get in

Once inside the subway I looked around and noticed no one was here, it was just me and Yamato

"Well at least we don't have to worry about people staring at us and wondering why we are covered in bandages" Yamato laughs

We sit down and stay quite for a while until Yamato breaks the silence

"(Y/N) are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine like I said" I replied while staring at my lap

"It doesn't seem like it" he says

"I swear I'm fine" I said and looked up at him and realized our faces are only inches aways from each other

Gah, he's so close

I quickly turn away trying to calm down

Yamato begins to laugh making my cheeks turn red

"You look so cute when you're embarrassed" he says

"Don't say such things" I said while pushing him gently

The door from the other cabin suddenly opens

We turn to see and to our surprise it was Elvin

"Elvin!" I stood up quickly "How did you find us?"

"Well my heart followed you, I will always follow you" he says

"Elvin, I don't know you but please stop this. You are scaring (Y/N). If you really loved her you wouldn't do this" Yamato stand in front of me trying to protect me

"You really are annoying, you don't know anything about my love towards her. I would do anything to make her mine and mine alone. . . THAT MEANS KILLING YOU"

"Well I know I don't, but I do know my love towards her"

"Y-yamato" I say his name and he turns is head to look at me

"I know I must sounds crazy, we barely met each other but somehow I feel in love with you so fast, (Y/N). . . I love you" he says and I'm left in shock not knowing what to do

Suddenly I felt something warm on my lips

He's kissing me!

I internally yelled

He pulls away and smile at me


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