Chapter 15

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We finally get to the hospital and check in Elvin

"So, do you want to tell me now?" The officer asks

"Yes, what happened was. . ." I told tbe officer everything that happened while Yamato just nodded during the whole time

"Okay, well seems like you've been through a lot these couple of days. I'll tell the nurse in the front to check you both while I'll call your parents, so give me their numbers" we both nod and tell them our parents numbers and leaves

A couple of minutes later a nurse comes and does a quick check up

"Okay so both of you got hit in tbe head somehow, (Y/N) are you feeling alright though? You don't have a headache?"


"Okay I'll go get you some pain relievers and some water, what about you Yamato?"

"I'm fine, thank you"

"Okay I'll bring some bandages so i can change them if thats fine with you"

"That will be fine"

The nurse finally gets up and smiles at us and leaves

"Do you think Elvin is alright? I know je tried to kill us but still, he was my friend"

"Was is the keyword"

The officer walks with the nurse coming right behind him "Well both of your parents are on their way so you should just wait here, then after Elvin wake up I'll question him and I'll call his parents"

"And here's some water and pain killers for you (Y/N)" the nurse says while handing them to me

"Thank you"

"Now time to change your bandages Yamato"

I take the pain killers while the nurse changes Yamato's bandages.

"There all done, if you need me I'll be in the front" she says as she cleans up and leaves

"Well seems like everything is wrapping up quite nicely" Yamato says and points at his bandages

"Very punny" I tell him and roll my eyes at him

"Now you're getting it" he flashes a big smile at me and i can't help to smile back at him

"Hey (Y/N), about the kiss" my eyes widen and i quickly turn away "Sorry if i wasn't the best kisser"

I quickly turn to him with a huge blush on my face "Eh! Is that what you're worried about? And not that you kissed me without warning!"

"Yeah, about that, sorry. I didn't think he would hurt you on accident"

I sigh and grab his hand

"It's fine, its just that. . ."

"Just that what?"

"You were my first kiss" i said very softly looking down


I repeat myself but a little louder

"What? You're talking way too low?"

"You were my first kiss!" I yelled amd quickly cover my mouth

"I know, I heard you the first time. I was just messing with you" he begins to laugh

"I-it's not funny!"

"Well not for you but for me it is, well how about another one?"

"Another what?" I look at him and raise my eyebrow

"Kiss" he puckers his lips and starts to lean towards me, i quickly push his face away

"S-stupid, i know you saved me and all that but we don't know each other that well"

"Okay well, my favorite color is blue, my favorite soda is lemon-lime soda, my birthday is July 2nd, i used to have a cat named Nini, i want to go to college some day and study medicine and. . ."

"Okay okay, i get it" i start to laugh at him at how quickly he tried to say everything

"Hey, I didn't get to tell you the last thing"

I finally stopped laughing and look at him "Okay, what is it?"

"You were my first kiss also" he smiles at me which makes me blush

"Eh. . ."

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone call my name from a distance

"Mom, Dad!" I stand up and quickly run towards them give them both a hug

"Are you okay, what happened to your leg?" My mom quickly tried to check it

"M-mom I'm fine, it's noting"

"Okay, I'm just happy your both safe" my dad says

"Oh, here. I want you to meet my hero"  grabbed their hands and lead them to Yamato

"Mom, dad this is Yamato" he saved me a couple of times"

"Ah, nice to meet you both"

"Nice to meet the boy who saved my little girl"


The police officer comes in and looks ag Yamato "Well kiddo, seems like your parents won't be coming so soon, they said they will be on the next available flight to pick you up, you can stay at the station until they pick you up if that's fine"


"Wait, dad, can he come with us, I dont want to leave him alone" i turn to my dad giving him puppy eyes

"Well since you did protect (Y/N) you can stay with us until your parents come back"

"R-really" Yamato says and my dad nods at him

"Well I'll call your parents to tell them" the officer begins to walk away

"Wait, what about Elvin?" I ask the officer

"I called his parents and theyre on their way, but I'll keep a close eye on him so don't worry" he says and leaves

"Now we should get going, it's pretty late"

"Your moms right, I'm sure you two are tired and just want to go home and get cleaned up" my dads tells me and Yamato

We look at each other and realize how dirty we were from all the running and hiding

"You're right" i say and both me and Yamato begin to laugh

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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