A Weird Tingling Feeling

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As Maduelli Puras mother continues her painful screaming, Maduelli feels a warm tingling sensation take over her body. Not knowing what came over her she bangs on the door one last time with a loud scream from Maduelli the door slams to the ground, sending bright red sparks flying across the living room that stood before her.

Maduelli froze in fear of what was happening infrount of her and the initial shock of what was happening, her mother was sprawled out across the floor, her father was staring at her in shock of what she had done.

Frozen in the spot he slips out the words Run! Ill keep them off for you! I love you Ellie! after this Ellie stares for a moment at the scene before her, there are crazy haired woman in tall heels standing other her mothers crippling body toying with her blank face. Standing next to her is a tall cloaked mane with grey, dead skin and snake-like slits for a noise. She takes a moment to take in his horrific appearance moving up to his dead, non-human eyes finding hers.


With this Tysel shouts AVADA KEDAVRA! in defense of his child. Maduelli takes this as her chance to run.

She bolts through the front door of their house, not daring to look back; she has no idea of where to go or what shell do when she gets further away. She almost makes it out the front door when she is suddenly stopped by long witch-like fingers, clawing into her shoulder.

"LET GO OF ME!" She screams when she suddenly feels like she's being electrocuted and he blood about to boil. The witch let's go of Maduelli and her body was thrown back with great invisible force. She couldn't afford to stop and continued running as far as her small, five-year old legs could take her. Once she reached the end of the street she turned around, seeing her fathers dead body sprawled on the front lawn of their burning house. In fear she ran as far as she could.

After running to the park she could no longer see the smoke from her house, in fact the roof, which was still visible from the park, was still fully intact. Out of fear of what she had seen there was no way she was going to go back there.

She knew what to do now, her parents always told her to go to the police if she got lost, so thats what she did. There was one around the corner, next to the museum; she saw it on her earlier trip there.


"What do yo- oh my calm down please!" He says taking into account the scuffed knees on the girl and the tear-streaked face. "Wh-whats the problem, please be calm and explain".

"A-a man came into my house with this woman and hu-hurt my mother, killed my dad, hes gone and burnt our house down!" She says with fear in her voice.

"What! How come no-one has called us yet! "He says in shock. Well send somone over right away, OH BLOODY HELL WHAT AM I DOING ARE YOU OKAY LITTLE GIRL" He panics while fumbling with the radio.

"Y-yes I think I am I feel fuzzy inside, I think that was what killed my pa-" She stopped aafter being inturupted with tears streaming down her face.

The police man looks at Maduelli in confusion while the woman on the other line replies "There's nothing wrong with the house, its been empty for years according to the neighbors."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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Maduelli Pura and the Mirror of Erised {Harry Potter AU}Where stories live. Discover now