Chapter 19

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- Time skip to the day before they leave for nationals -

I am so excited that I can't sleep.


Kurt has been asking for the last few weeks if I would ever think about being on broadway.

I have honestly never thought about it until now.

I mean, I love singing, dancing and acting, all things that are broadway related.

That's one reason why I am excited to go to New York, to see if I would like living there, performing on broadway.

I haven't thought much about my future. I'm enjoying my high school life right now.

I get so excited that I pace back and forth in my room and go ocd and rearrange everything in my suitcase to be even more perfect.

I finally fall asleep when the clock reads 1:30.

- The next morning -

I wake up at 7:30 exactly and take a shower, get dressed and put on makeup.

I wait for Sam to pick me up and then we have to go to school and we're all taking a bus to the airport.

He rings my doorbell and I answer it.

"Hey beautiful, you excited yet?!" He exclaims.

"Yes, I'm so excited. I'll talk about why in the car. Mom, dad, Avery, Sam's here!" I shout that last line so they can hear me and come to the door.

"We'll miss you Brookey, good luck we hope you guys win!" My mom exclaims and the rest of my family hugs me.

"Okay everybody, bye!" I say as I grab my suitcase and put my backpack around my shoulders.

We head out the door and go to his car.

He takes my stuff and puts it in the backseat and opens the passanger door for me.

He gets in the drivers side.

"Shall we go to the Lima Bean?" He asks.

"Yes we shall!"

We stop there and we both get iced carmel lattes.

School is only about 2 minutes from the Lima Bean so we don't have time to start a conversation about my new broadway exploration.

We get out of the car and get our stuff to see Rachel, Finn and Mr. Shue are the only people there so we wait and within 15 minutes, everyone is here.

We get on the bus and we're off to the airport in Clevland.

"I think the New Directions need an anthem." Rachel says.

"Afterall, we are a team." Tina says.

I start the song

Wait 'til you're announced

We've not yet lost all our graces

The hounds will stay in chains

Look upon your greatness

That you'll send

The call I'll send

Britt and Santana:

Call all the ladies out

They're in their finery

A hundreds jewels on throats

The New Girl In New Directions - A Glee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now