Part 2 - Jet Ride Then Boom

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"You gotta be kiding me, You have your own personal jet?" Jenny asked Shadow. They were riding a Quinjet. Jenny is buckled at the backseat and Shadow is piloting the jet.

"It was a gift from one Bruce Wayne." Shadow said. "That's weird, he never gave me one." Jenny said. "Cuz he knows you can fly, right?" Shadow pointed out.

"Well.. Superhead to another, What's your secret?" Jenny asked. "Origin story time! Yeeaaeeah!" Shadow said.
"Ever since I was born. And as a baby, I've already fought ninjas. It began that time when my mama was holding a very special baby in her arms.. that was me! And then! Ninjas suddenly came in, I got out of my mama's arms and took my sword out to fight those ninjas. I was only a normal baby for 30 seconds, Then ninjas stole my mama Waaah!" Shadow said.

"Um.. that's too impossible to be true. How can a baby know how to fight?"
Jenny said. Shadow just ignores this. "Then the director of Skyway Patrol, Director K. He saw my awesomeness, So he took me in. And suckled me on the sweet milk of justice." Shadow said.

"Um.. ew?" Jenny said. "You're a good listener, I like you." Shadow said. "Here's some advice, ditch K. Go freelance, like me. No rules, more fun and money. Lots'a money." Shadow continued.

"Wait. You get paid? I get zapped by training bots and you get paid? Freelance hero sounds pretty good." Jenny said.

"Uh, oh! dots!" Shadow said. As people in white masks (Taskmaster Henchmen.) with jetpacks were attacking the jet from above.

"Termites with jetpacks! Hah! As I suspected! Agent McGuffin is selling Skyway Patrol secrets to the forces of eval!" Shadow said in a narrator-like voice.

"I have a plan." Shadow said. "Plan?" Jenny asked. "Improvisation." Shadow said. Though he pressed the wrong button, which made them bounce out of the jet.

"Oops, wrong button!.. Oh a screaming contest!" Shadow said while falling. "What the?! Why can't my thrusters activate?!" Jenny said.

Shadow took out his perfume and sprayed it on the eyes of a henchman which made him scream.

"Do you like it? It's for better eyesight." Shadow said. "Jenny! Can you build some sorta thing that can make these termites go away?!" Shadow asked while falling.

Jenny extended an arm and wrapped it around all the henchmen, Then tossed them away.

"Those guys look alot like Taskmaster." Jenny said. "They're henchmans! or henchmen." Shadow said. "It's henchmen." Jenny said.

"I know, Smartypants. I know." Shadow said. "He can copy anyone's fighting style just by watching them." Jenny said. "Ehh, He tried to recruit me once. Wait, what was that??" Shadow said.

"Oh, My brain's got an upgrade: I can sense danger." Jenny said. "I'll give you a million bucks for your brain! Wait, danger? Dats gonna hurt!" Shadow said.

"Grunt of effort!" Shadow opened his parachute. "Hey, I'm still falling! My thrusters won't work!" Jenny said, then later her parachute activates too.

"What kind of a plan was that?! I could've become total scrapmetal!" Jenny said.

"Hush, munchkin. To be freelance, you gotta live a little." Then Shadow set Jenny's parachute up in flames with his perfune which turns out it can switch into flamethrower mode, which made her fall and hit every branch all the way down.

"Hey aim for the leafy parts! Foliage is your friend!" Shadow said.

Later On The Ground

"Our landings are so different." Shadow said. "I think I've had enough of you!" Jenny complained.

"Shh hush, little hero. Luxuriate in the beat of your heart, the feeling you might puke if someone offered you fish sticks." Shadow said and held some fishsticks close to Jenny. Which made her cover her mouth.

"Why is this making me sick?" Jenny thought. "I'm starting to rethink this little field trip."

"So what's our plan now?" Jenny said. "Get in that warehouse, find Agent McMuffin, Snag the list. And un-alive Taskmaster and his termites (henchmen), capiche?" Shadow said.

"Wait, Un-alive them?" Jenny said. "Yeah, after all I'm in a kids show, I can't say the K-word out loud. But we're gonna destroy them, make them dissappear, sleep them with the fishes. We'll K-word them." Shadow said.

"Wait.. do you mean, kill them?" Jenny said. "woah! That does sound bad when you say it out loud!" Shadow said.

"It's not right. We can't un-alive them, we can't un-alive anyone. Shadow!" Jenny said furiously.

"Huh?" Shadow asked. "I said NO." Jenny said. "Lookie here, we're here!" Shadow spotted some henchmen guarding what it appears to be the HQ of Taskmaster. Shadow sneaks up behind them and sticks some C4s on their legs.

"What the?!" Jenny said, Built out a giant fist and punched the guards into the sky, But before that, she took the explosives off and broke them.

"What's wrong with you, girl?!" Shadow said. "You tried to blow them up, Genius!" Jenny said. "What's wrong with a little human confetti, huh? I bet you have a little angel on your shoulder telling you 'un-aliving' someone is bad." Shadow said.

"Also, that's Tremorton.. or should I say Tumorton brainwashing 101. You wanna earn the big bucks, right? Ditch the rules for once and have fun." Shadow said.

"I'm not programmed to kill, I was programmed to save the world a million times." Jenny said.

"Indeed you have. But people here in Tremorton are so stupid they can't simply say all the letters in the alphabet." Shadow said.

"Aren't humans giving you a hard time, Jenny? Discriminating you, all bad things and stuff they do to you. If I were you, Tremorton would've been just a big pile of ashes right now or maybe a grain. Shadow said.

"I don't even think you're actually a so called freelance hero, You're a mercenary! You'll do anything for money!" Jenny said.

"Fine, Princess-goody-two-gears. Ya got me, I'm a merc. Ow!" Arrows were fired at Shadow from behind.

It ain't a big deal, Shadow just pulls the arrows out of his body.

"What the? How can you survive?"
Jenny asked.

"I have a healing factor, Pretty much like Deadpool's.. he's my role model." Shadow said. "I guess that explains your whole 'you'." Jenny said.

"It's all in my origin story.
Once, a nerdy little kid fell into a radioactive swimming pool.
And he emerged with incredible powers!" Shadow said. again..

"Enough!" Jenny said.

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