Part 4 - Toxic Reveal

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Welcome fellow readers! and into the second chapter of the story!

A few months after the not-so-cool battle of robot Jenny Wakeman and teenage mercenary Shadow. Jenny finds herself tangling with a band of villains, villains that're new in town! Straight from where they came from! Call them "New Kids in Town" if ya want, they're like kids who just moved here from another place far away.

But who in the cruck-cruggin fluggin nuts are these villains working for? Glad I asked myself, cuz this story will tell you anyway!

Location: Somewhere in Tremorton.

Jenny finds herself tangling with a metal meta-morphing villain who can morph his hands into knives, or spikes, all sharp things! Like the terminator T-1000 in Terminator 2! He calls himself Dynamex, based on how he got his powers. He was a lab experiment, then something went wrong. And that's a story for another time!

Dynamex formed his hands into sharp, pointy knives and swung at Jenny. First swing, he missed her. Second swing, missed again.
Third swing, Jenny jumped to dodge the pointy hand.

And as usual, the townsfolk of Tremorton stopped their cars and walked out of them then ran away screaming. Cuz they know running on foot is faster than driving a car.

Dynamex, now tired of using knifehands. Changed his arms into metal sledgehammers, going for Jenny again.

Jenny fired a rocket at Dynamex, she thought that could blow the sucker up. But it just went through his metal body and blew up a nearby empty car that was behind him.

"Dang!" Jenny said before getting hit by one of Dynamex's hammer hands, almost turned her into a flat piece 'o' metal. This sent her flying across the street and hit the side of a bus. Ruining the shape of the bus.

"Where did this guy even come from?!" Jenny said.

And not in time, The other superheroes arrive!

"Great. Glad that they showed up!" Jenny said gladly.

Sunburst shot his yellow laser beam at Dynamex, from his palms. Trying to melt the villain that went rogue.

Darn it Sunburst. You keep forgetting that your lasers generate electricity, not heat!

"Hey Sunburst!" Indestructo called him out. "Those laser beams don't generate heat! Don't expect Dynamex to melt!"

"Oh! Why do I keep forgetting?!" Sunburst stopped shooting his laser beams, then took a hit from Dynamex. Sending him flying to the sky.

"You dumb heroes don't know how to think twice!" Dynamex insulted.

Indestructo pounced on Dynamex and punched his face so hard. So hard that the road's asphalt recieved a crater from the impact of the punches.

Dynamex morphed his hand into a big one, grabbed Indestructo and threw him away. Dragonfist clenched his fist, running toward Dynamex, who had his back turned. His fist let out a fiery orange aura of energy sorrounding it, like when your hand is on fire but you don't feel any pain. And was about to punch Dynamex in the back.

Dynamex's face shifted to the back of his head, spotting the hero running at him. Dynamex turned his body around and tried to block Dragonfist's punch. But the punch had a very strong impact that Dynamex's metal arms that were blocking him were blown off, or as I presume, was melted off.

He looked at himself, with he still has his body. But no arms, how can he take over the world with no metal-morphing arms that could be used to defeat heroes?

"Aaaggghh!!" He screamed.

Only his arms were made of morphing liquid metal, the rest of his body were meat. He knelt with his head down, surrendering to the authority. No, scratch that. His whole body is liquid metal, I almost created an inconsistency there.

"Not so handy now, huh?" Jenny poked fun at Dynamex, as he was thrown into the backseat of a police car.

Jeez, what a bad joke.

"So. What was that guy doing here, trying to wreck everything?" Jenny asked the other heroes.

"He wasn't just trying to wreck everything. Before you found him, we had a fight with him too, one day in the mountains. He said he'll come for us, and... for Shadow." Indestructo told Jenny.

"Shadow? That crazy moron?" Jenny said. Mentioning the crazy moron.

"Hey, that crazy moron used to be one of us!" Starburst said, who got his suit messed up from the short fight earlier.

"Used to be." Jenny hacked back at Starburst. "He tried to get the list, just so that he could get more money! He's a mercenary! He'll do anything for money!"

"Let's talk about this at the carrier." Director K said as he put his hand on Jen's shoulder.

"Oh, Director K! How's it going?" Jenny asked Director K.

-Later At The Carrier Meeting Room-

"I brought you all here just so you can all learn about the truth.. of Shadow." Director K said as he sat on the leader's chair.

(Oh yeah, the truth about Shadow the Hedgehog?)

"Yeah. He's a mercenary, he's not really a hero.. wait.. are you telling me that there's more information about him?" Jenny asked Director K.

"Yes, Wakeman." Director K grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. About to give the heroes a lecture about Shadow, and the truth about him.

The TV turned on and showed an image of Shadow firing his guns at some other hostile mercenaries, this picture showed he was at another city shooting down some other mercenaries.

"And he told us he would never uhh... do the K word?" Starburst said.

Next slide. It was an image of Shadow slicing and dicing some six-armed aliens attacking him. Sharp teeth, long-mouthed, black-coated skin, three pointy fingers. All features the aliens in the photograph had.

"Whoa. I wonder where that happened." Misty commented about the photograph.

"Also, you should know. Shadow is not the only name he goes by." Director K said.

Next slide wasn't a photo but a short clip of a news broadcast speaking reports of a masked vigilante roaming the outskirts of a city not so far away.

"This vigilante calls himself; Toxpunk, I'm not really sure if that's true. I mean he could be lyin' or something." A man said on the news reporter's mic.

"T-Toxpunk?" Jenny said in wonder.
"Doesn't sound like a nice name for a guy like him." Dragonfist said. "Well, he's a punk. That's it." Misty continued.

"Toxpunk, is short for Toxic Punk." Director K told the heroes. "I know cuz I was with him when he thought about that name."

"But why did he have to keep his real codename a secret?" Jenny asked.

"I don't know.. the boy never told me." Director K replied. "So are you sending us on a mission to look for him or what?" Sunburst said.

"Yes. Good guess." Director K told Sunburst.

To be continued..

In the third book of this MLAATR series..

MLAATR: A New Frenemy? (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن