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Picture this. A boy not to short, but not tall either. He's sixteen and has brown hair that varies in shades and sweeps over his left eye. His skin is pale almost paper white. His eyes are a green that sometimes look grey. His expression is unreadable and his eyes always carry a look that cannot be identified. His smile is fake and his laugh is forced. He always wears black shoes and skinny jeans to match. Everyday he wears a black jacket and matching shirt except the occasional day he decides to wear a band shirt. Sometimes if you were able to see under his sleeves you would notice rubber bracelets, but he never lets you see his arms. He's invisible until he does something wrong. He can usually be found sitting in the back of class or the library doing nothing, but sitting there. His grades are nothing special and he is never called on in class. He never gets in trouble or purposely draws attention to himself. He occasionally draws on a scrap piece of paper. If you were to see it, which you never will, you would see song lyrics and pictures drawn to go along with them. Perhaps you would think his drawings weren't the best in the world or maybe the song lyrics were to strange. Maybe you would notice the way he winces when something hits his thighs. Maybe you would think nothing of it. "Just a bruise," he would say if you ever asked which you wouldn't. No one asked because no one cared. No one ever would care it seemed. He knew something no one else knew. He knew he would die that year in precisely 102 days. He didn't know how or why he just knew it would happen. He didn't care though and more often then not it slipped out of his mind. He was used to it. All his life he had known when he would die and sometimes he could see when someone else would die too. The only time that happened though was when the person was elderly and would pass from natural causes. The person also had to be less then 12 hours from dying. This was why the boy avoided nursing homes. When he had gone before as a younger boy he was always really nice to the people he knew would die soon. I hurt though when he got close to them only to know they would die. After the passing of the last member of his family that lived in a nursing home he decided to quit visiting them. This boy's name was Luke.

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