Days Left 102-99

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Luke felt apart of him being torn away during these days. He couldn't force a smile when it was 101 days till his death. No one seemed to notice except one of his friends. He doesn't feel alive anymore. Everything feels fake. So few people love him now. He feels jealous of those who have died and the nice things people say about them. He thinks,"If only I could die then people would care." He often forgets how many days he has left and thinks of things like he has a whole lifetime ahead of him. He can't figure out what he wants to do with his life a just thinks back to what he wanted to be. At age 6 he wanted to be a paleontologist. At age 9 he wanted to be a veterinarian. At age 11 he wanted to be a voice actor. At age 13 he wanted to be a video game developer, a sound engineer, or a programmer. Now at age 16 he wants to be dead. He wonders what happened to the happy little boy he used to be. Where did it all go wrong? His drawings are all depressing to him. He no longer can feel happy. He spends these three days wondering what part of him he has lost. 

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