Chapter 3

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Avery's P.O.V


I sat there frozen. Did he really just say that. I thought he loved me.

"W-what?" I managed to say

"I think it would be best if we aren't together."

"But. But why?"

"I- i cant say."

"Okay. First i thought you loved me. Then i thought you could trust me. What did i do niall?"


"Then why wont you tell me."

"Because i cant!" He snapped.

"Fine." I said opening the door getting out of the car.

"Oh and hold on." You say running into the house. "Here you anniversary present. Your welcome." You say dropping a beautiful guitar on his lap.

That was the guitar he has been wanting for months. But he just didn't have the time to buy it. Tear started pouring out of your eyes. He was your first ever love. Didn't he know that? Well i guess that doesn't matter now. He looked over at me and i quickly looked away so he didnt see me cry.

Nialls P.O.V


Avery dropped a guitar on my lap. Not just any guitar. But the guitar i had been wanting. It was so expensive too. I look in her eyes as she started to turn away. Tears started to come out. Not only from her eyes but from mine, but she didnt see them.

I still had her present in my pocket. I got it before the management told me to break up with the love of my life. I know im only a teenager, but i love her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. But i need this job. I need to start a career.

I looked down at the guitar again. I flipped it over and on the back was a notw

'I alway saw you looking at this in the shop window;) i love you. For now and forever ~avery'

By now i was sobbing in the car. I started to drive but my vision was blurry from my tears. I decided to stay at a small but nice motel for the night.

I laid in bed that night staring at the ceiling. The image of Avery crying stuck in my head. I seen her cry many times, but that was a different type of cry. If thats even possible. The look on her face was different. Everything was different.

The next morning my eyes were red and puffy from crying. I checked out and started to drive to liams flat. He always makes me feel better. I knock on his door and hear foot steps coming to the door.

"Aye mat- are you okay?" Liam said eyes wide looking at my puffy eyes.

"No." I said looking at my shoes.


AN: srry if this is short. Its 11pm rn and i have school tmr so yeahh

The night that changed my life forever. {niall horan love story}Where stories live. Discover now