Chapter 4

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Nialls P.O.V


"Ill make some tea then if you want we can talk about it if you want to." Liam said walking me inside.

I sat on his couch with my head in my head and wiping tears away. I cant believe what i just done. The person i loved most is out of my life. I love her more then anything. But i need this job to help my family.

My deep thoughts were interrupted when liam came with the tea and sat across from me. "Alright mate. So do you wanna talk now?"

"Yeah. So i just picked her up and she looked more beautiful then ever. I just couldnt believe tonight was my last night with her. But anyway i was nervous and quiet in the car. She tried to talk but i just gave simple answers that kills the conversation. Like k and cool. She started to notice and asked me 'whats wrong'. I just told her 'i have to tell u something when we get home'. She questioned me but i didnt tell her. Dinner was the same awkward silence. She tried to talk like in the car but i just killed all the small talk again. We finished dinner and we were in the car. She asked me to tell her but i said no. We got to her drive way and she asked me wats wrong. And i-i said that we need to end us-" and that is when i got cut off from my sobs. Liam rubbed my back to calm me down. "A-and then she gave me the guitar i w-want for 7 months-" i was cut off by my sobs again "A-and i didnt get a chance to give her m-my present." I say before i go into another sob section.

"C'mon mate, you'll find another girl."

"But i dont want another girl. I want avery. She was perfect. Her blonde hair complemented her blue eyes. When ever she smiled her 1 cute dimple showed up. I love everything about her." I say starting to sob again.


Averys P.O.V


I run into my house as tears started to leave my eyes. I run to my room and call katie.


"K-katie. I n-need you n-now."

"Oh my gosh avery! whats wrong?!"

"C-can you come o-over?"

"Im walking to my car now. see you in 5." she says then hangs up.

I sobbed into my pillow till you hear your doorbell ring. I run down stairs and open the door. Once i opened the door katie bear hugs me.

"Lets go upstairs and talk." she whispers in my ear.

We jog up my stairs and go to my room and shut the door.

"So what happened?"

"N-niall broke up w-with me." you say before you sob i to her shoulder.

"Oh my god. did he say why?"

"I asked b-but he said he c-oulded tell me." I say in between breaths

"What a doush bag."

"But i s-still love h-him."

"I didnt expect you not to. Want me to sleep over tonight. I'll need to barrow cloths though."

"Yes p-please."

"Okay. Let go get some ice cream." she says taking my had and running downstairs.

We stuffed our faces with birthday cake flavored ice cream:)

It got my mind off of niall for a few hours.

We fell asleep on the couch watching pitch perfect. That night i had a dream. I was at a night club and this guy was dance and grinding on me. I couldnt see his face but i went along with it forcefully. The song ended then i turned around and it was niall. He whispered in my ear 'i still love you' then thats when i woke up. That was the worse and best dream ever. I woke up crying.

The night that changed my life forever. {niall horan love story}Where stories live. Discover now