BND|A Song For My Special One

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C H A P T E R   S I X T E E N -
A S O N G  F O R  M Y  S P E C I A L

I groaned whilst I forced myself to walk down the stairs. My brain was probably still half conscious and my feet wobbled a bit that I almost tumbled on the floor.

   I shouldn't have tried going down the stairs at this moment because I swear I might fall and my brain would burst everywhere--ugh, such a grotesque image.

   It wasn't even five-thirty and I had managed to have woken myself up at such a horrible time.

  It was because of that stupid kiss.   Because of it, I had dreamt about different sizes of Marco chasing me, trying to kiss me while I ran like joining the marathon.

  Long story short, I woke up, heaving with countless of sweat piled up on my forehead.

  I squinted my eyes. There was a figure  standing on my the kitchen. I couldn't guess what or who it was since my brain wasn't functioning like it used to.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the fatigue that was overweighing my poor judgement of thought. Then I blinked and my mind just snapped.

It was a person.

On my house.

At four-forty five.

How do I know the time?

Easy. I have the ability to tell time.

Anyway, it was moving around the kitchen, grabbing a few utensils and  shuffling like it was welcomed at my home.

Wait. .

Is it gonna kill me?!

Before I could scream---which was idiotic; the person turned it's body--with a whisk on it's hand. Am I gonna get killed by a whisk?

Kind of creative. I mean I'd give them credit.

It walked closer and I stepped back, every second that passed by made my heart beat grew louder and quickly. My body turned rigid and my breath fanned as I was pressed onto the wall with no other way.


I opened my eyes that I had closed when I waited for my fate to be placed upon me. My eyes bolted in surprise. “M-Marco, what the heck are you doing here?"

My jaw unhinged when he flicked my temple  and chuckled. Yes, chuckled. “Dummy. I slept at the couch and I'm cooking for breakfast.”

He lifted the whisk, to prove his point. I nodded, too numb to argue. "What are you doing waking up early?" he inquired, eyeing me in amusement.

"I'm  a morning person,” I lied. I mean he didn't need to know that.

He smirked, the corners of his lips rose as his eyes darted in mischief. "Oh really? The look on your face said otherwise when you looked in pure fear until you realized it was me.”

"You're really an idiot,” he shook his head and turned his back against me, retreating to the kitchen to finish making breakfast.

I sat down on the chair by the counter, my hands resting under my chin as I stared at Marco's back moving and his hands skilfully making something.

"This would be the first time I could get to eat your food,” I suddenly blurt out.

"You think I'm gonna let you eat it?" he challenged with a smirk creeping on the corner of his lips.

I rolled my eyes. "Jerk.”

"Ah. Right. But you loved him,” he emphasized, his voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Shut up Diaz!" I screeched, my cheeks turning red as I was reminded of our kiss..and my stupid rant.

He was right. I still like/love him.


After the kiss last night, I dashed upstairs and slammed the door, locking it. I placed a hand on my chest, trying to calm it.

I shouldn't have ran like coward because it would make his point right.

But I couldn't help it. He was right.

Luckily, Marco didn't brought up the subject. It was like me ranting about rude and heartless he was for more than a minute was futile. I was really furious and he just kisses me so easily.

And I was stupid enough to change my mind because of a kiss.

"Wanna ride?" he offered, positioning himself on the seat and  gripping on the handle whilst resting his feet on the pedal

"The question is will you?" I countered, snorting.

His eyebrows raised. "I preferred the Star who used to cling to me, not this brat, sassy teenager.”

"I changed. I'm done with you!" I rolled my eyes, somehow impressed with that fact that I could talk about it lightly.

"Says the one who kisses me back,” he smirked.

"Shut up! Y-you manipulated me!" I stammered, earning me another blush.

"You mean you couldn't help it because you liked it,” his smirk grew wider when he saw me beet red.

I huffed, trying to calm my fury red cheeks. “Pfft. Get a hold of yourself. You kissed me first, so technically, you wanted to.”

He stared at me and he wasn't even smiling yet his hazel eyes held such intensity in them that made my breath hitch. “Sure. Let's just say that I wanted to kiss you.”

As if my cheeks couldn't get redder, it did. My heart was furiously pounding and my stomach was whirling like there were butterflies inside me. “You're shameless!”

"Just--let's go,” I gave up, wrapping my arms around his waist as he began pedalling swiftly. For a sixteen year old guy, he's very strong.


"There will be an open mic happening next week. It will be one of our activities in celebration of the day our school was founded,” Ms. Klea, our homeroom teacher, spoke nonchalantly.

I wouldn't blame her. It was rather boring today too. I mean it was the exact same routine and it was tiring to learn futile things.

An open mic...huh.

I have an idea!


"So you're saying you want our help to play the instruments for your soon-to-be composed song?" Jackie rephrased, her eyes twinkling in amusement as she rested a hand on her hip.

"Yeah," I nodded, timidly. "--Jackie you're really great at playing the piano; Janna you play the electric guitar with such crazy fire in your eyes."

My eyes landed to Vincent. "And you, my guy, are good with the drums."

I gave them my puppy eyes, waiting for their answers while I clasp my hands together. Janna smirks and Vincent pretends to think deeply, propping a hand under his chin trying so hard to look serious but failed to.

"Why not?" they grinned.

I smiled widely, wanting to pull them in a bone crushing hug. "Thank you, guys! You're the best best friends ever."

Vincent suddenly strutted near to me and then he places his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. "I'm sorry, Star."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"

"The scene at the theatre," he scratched his head. "--I should've been more sensitive with your feelings and punched that dirt bag."

I shook my head, a small smile appearing on my lips as I took his hand and held it. "It's okay. Next time, we shouldn't accept everything Holly says. She's too---"

"Too what?" a voice butted in.

I jolted from my seat, my eyes widening at where Holly stood by, her arm crossed with a mocking stern expression on her face.

"Too. .creative?" I say wryly.

She snorted, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah right."

"Oh Holly," Janna spoke, unfazed. "I predicted a little of your future and  this day you shouldn't eat any fries. It said that an omen would happen."

She looked at Janna weirdly for being weird and random. "O...kay."

Vincent bursted into fits of laughter, placing a hand on Janna's shoulder for support while a free hand was wiping his non-existent tears. "See? You're creeping people out."

Janna takes this and nudges her elbow towards Vincent's crouch, making me kneel and drop on the floor wincing in pain while holding his precious part. He glances at Janna with a mix of anger and pain. "You occult weirdo!"

Janna smugly replies. "You're welcome."

Holly glances back at me with a worried look but I merely shrug, smiling. "Don't worry, they're always like that."

"Your friends are sure weird," she murmured and I chuckled.

"That's what they always say."

I faced Holly with wonder. "Do you need anything, Holly?"

Holly smiled. "Yeah. I scraped the part where you and Vincent should kiss since a certain someone would get jealous."

"And," she wiggled her finger back and forth in a sing a long tone. "--how does it feel to be kissed by Marco Diaz?"

I blushed, even ten shades darker. "I-I don't know."

"Oh, you're such an innocent girl when it comes to these things," she cooed, pinching my cheeks softly. "--I bet it felt nice."

I coughed, my entire body on fire. "Why are you asking?"

She eyed me, then removed her hand from my cheek. "Are you in a relationship with Marco?"

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