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     "Annabeth! Go!" I yelled through clenched teeth, fighting off a horde of monsters. We were at the doors of death and there was no way even a giant and a titan could defeat them all. I knew what had to be done.

     "I'm not leaving you!" She yelled back. A large explosion shook the ground beneath our feet and we stumbled for a split second, then continued to attack with no mercy.

     "Annabeth! Listen to me!" I decapitated an empousi then moved on to my next opponent; a Cyclops. As Annabeth battles another Empousi and I battled a Cyclops I was able to yell to her over the loud battle cries and shrieks on pain that came from the monsters being crushed under a giant's foot.

      "You need to get out! Damasen and Iapetus  will guard me when I get the button!" I stabbed the cyclops through the stomach and it exploded into a golden power, and I moved on to the next creature.

      "I wont leave you!" She cried out as she stabbed the Hell Hound in the head with her Drakon bone sword, moving on to a Dracaena. I ran over to help her fight it. 

     "He's right!" Iapetus yelled over his shoulder as he battled Hyperion again. "You need to go, Now! Percy will get the doors, we'll guard you guys!" Annabeth delivered the final blow to the Dracaena and turned to face me. I saw tears brimming in her eyes.

      I grabbed her shoulders and steered her towards the doors. She struggled to get out of my grip, but overall I was stronger. She turned around, tears falling down her face. "I don't want to do this Percy." She whispered. I pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly.

     "I know Wise Girl." I whispered soothingly. "Just... when you get up there kick some earthly butt for me, okay?" She managed a small, weak smile, but it vanished as soon as it came.

     She then kissed me, her lips warm in contrast to mine. When she pulled away the warmth still lingered around. She got in the elevator and I ran over to the buttons beside of it. The last thing I was as the doors closed was her glassy grey eyes, peering out at me with sadness. My Wise Girl was gone, for who knows how long. Iapetus held the button for me once done fighting Hyperion, my rage and adrenaline kicking in. You made me separate from my Wise girl. You're going to pay.

     I killed every last monster and evil titan at the scene, then I realized Tartarus had fled. Coward. I saw Iapetus remove his finger from the button gingerly, as if waiting for an elevator to plummet down. None came. Reality crashed down on me. I was trapped in Tartarus with no way out. I'm stuck here for all of eternity.

Annabeth's POV

(A/N I changed it a bit to go with the story.)

I stumbled out of the elevator, tripped over a ledge as I did so. "Annabeth!" Piper yelled, running over. She caught me and helped me stand and letting me lean on her. Nico turned pale, staring at the empty elevator.

     "Where's Percy?" He asked. Everyone went silent and looked over at me, eyes boring into me.

     "He's not dead." I whispered. I felt a tear fall down my face. "He gave up his freedom to get me a way up." Their faces grew solemn with sadness.

     "We..." I took a deep breath, which was shaky from fear and sadness. "We need to cut the bonds. We can't allow any more monsters to escape, even if... even if Percy is down there."

     Hazel and Jason nodded and drew there swords. Piper lead me over to a wall and leaned me against it.

*End of Flashback, Annabeth's POV*

     I remember that day clear as, well, day. It was a few weeks after the war, and Leo had just returned with Calypso. Everyone was moping around at the loss of Percy, even Chiron. I, however, was worse. I barely came out of my cabin, and if I did it was so that I didn't starve to death. Every minute I was imagining what could be happening with Percy right now. Was he dead, enjoying life in Elysium with Luke? Was he fighting for his life? Injured? On the brink of death? I had no way of telling. Iris messaged wouldn't work, nd the gods couldn't even teleport him out or contact him at all.

     I sighed sadly, laying on my back in my bunk. I stared at the bunk above me, zoning out into a daydream of thoughts. Except they weren't dreams, they were more like nightmares. What if Tartarus had gotten ahold of him? If so what was he doing to him? Holding him prisoner? Torturing him? Holding him for execution? Trying to convince him to join his side? I was jolting from my thoughts when Malcom ran in, panting.

      "Annabeth... Letter.... Percy...." He panted. I jumped up immediately. I don't know what it was about, but he said Percy. He started to run again and I followed, filled with adrenaline. Please tell me he made it out.

      We ran all the way to the Hermes table where everyone was surrounded. I shoved my way through the crowd and saw Chiron holding a letter with slightly trembling hands. "It's... It's from Percy!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

     "Wait, it is!? Read it!" I yelled.

     "Everyone back up!" Chiron commanded. Everyone took five steps back, respecting Chiron's orders.

      "It says

Camp Half Blood, (If any of you are alive) I'm alive. I can't say well, but alive. Please don't worry about me, I'm fine. The Phlegethon is providing me with food and water, and the monsters are easy to kill. I managed to get a paper from a Cyclops' pocket, why he had it I have no idea, don't ask me. I don't know how long I've been down here, but it feels like decades. I don't know if anyone is even alive anymore, to be honest. I could have been down here for a week, or for centuries. I don't know when, or how, but I will get out of here. Next part, if she's still alive, please only give to Annabeth to read.'" Chiron stopped reading and handed the note gingerly to me, as if it were going to crumble into dust. I took it with care, reading the last paragraph.

     'Hey Wise Girl, if you're alive. I'm so sorry we had to part ways, and I hope everyone is alive and well. I don't have anyway to retrieve notes from you guys, so I'm kind of just hanging in suspense here. I don't know if camp half blood is reduced to nothing but ash, I don't know if when I come back up I will come face to face to giants and titans who want to murder me while everyone else is in Elysium. I simply don't know, the biggest cliff hanger ever. But if you are alive... Just know I love you Annabeth, and I will join you no matter what, whether it be on the surface or in Elysium. I love you. -Perseus Jackson.' I didn't realize I was crying until I finished reading, then I started to cry harder. I handed the note to Chiron with shaky hands then ran to the beach; Percy's favorite place. I sat down hard in the sand, tears streaming down my face like my own personal Niagara falls show.

     I cried for what felt like hours, one sentence ringing in my head. 'I love you Annabeth.'

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