Percy's POV

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     Percy's POV

     I sent the letter, staring at the burning alter for a while, as if waiting for a letter to come through. I knew it was impossible, but I still waited. Tartarus killed Damasen and Bob, but they took him down with him. I wandered for what felt like weeks trying to find the alter, just so I could send a message. I don't have the slightest clue about what's going on. The Giants could have found it and laughed at my letter, demigods from the future find it and know me from either there parents being demigods that fought in the war or they herd tales about me from Chiron, or maybe they are the current time demigods. Who knows? Certainly not me, that's for sure.

     A hiss drew me out of my thoughts and I spun around. Kelli. "Hey Kel. Been a while. What was it, yesterday I killed you?" I asked casually, pulling riptide out of my pocket and twirling it in between my fingers.

     She rolled her eyes. "Not gonna happen again, that's for sure."

      "And how do you know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She smirked at me, which honestly kind of scared me.

       "This." Next thing I know something heavy hits me in the back of the head and I fall unconscious.

Annabeth's POV

     It's been four months since we got the letter Percy sent us. We've tried everything to get in touch with him or get him back. The gods can't even see him with their magic abilities, nor contact him in any way. Everyone is depressed and stressed out. 

      I was sitting on the beach when Grover ran up to me. "Annabeth! Percy's alive!" He bleated. I jumped up and looked at him.

      "How do you know!?" I asked desperately.

      "Err.. It's not such good news. You know our empathy link? Well, he passed out and I passed out." He explained. I groaned, then realized it was probably offensive to Grover.

      "Sorry Grover, you did great." I told him, smiling. He smiled back, though it was Just as fake as mine. Camp was full of them ever since the Giant war.

      "Let's go tell Chiron. Call a meeting." Grover offered. I nodded in agreement and we ran to the Big House. I pounded on the door and Chiron opened it a moment later.

      "What is it my dear?" He asked wearily. He hadn't gotten much sleep since Percy's been missing, though he wont admit it.

       "Percy's alive." I told him quickly. His eyes widened. 

       "Call a meeting!" He exclaimed, then shut the door.

       Grover and I ran to the cabins, getting the cabin leaders. Not twenty minutes later we were all sitting around the ping-pong table. The others didn't know why we were here, and looked bored. 

     Chiron walked in, looking much fresher. "Explain." He commanded. Grover stood.

      "About half an hour I found out Percy is Alive." He said. Everyone started talking at once until Grover bleated and stomped a hoof. "The bad news, I found out because I passed out from the empathy link. According to Juniper, it looked like I had been hit in the back of the head with a heavy object, knocking me out."

       "This is not good." Thalia muttered.

       "Shoot Percy. Why are you always in trouble?" Nico asked no one in particular.

       "So Percy was knocked out. Isn't the empathy link weaker than the actual thing?" I asked. He nodded.

      "So the blow could have killed him?" Leo asked. Grover shook his head no.

     "If he dies, I die." Grover explained. "When he had amnesia, I lost a bit of memory for about a day, but that's it."

     "So we don't know how bad of a condition Percy is in?" Hazel asked.

     "Not a clue." Grover admitted.

     "Break the link." Jason suddenly said.

     "What? Why!?" Hazel asked.

     "Percy's in for a rough time. I can feel it. Even if Percy doesn't die from it, Grover will. Even through the empathy link." He said, his face solemn and pale.

     "How do you 'feel it'!?" Piper asked.

     "I don't know, I just do. Trust me. Grover is going to die if he doesn't remove the empathy link." Jason said in his commander voice that was nearly impossible to ignore.

      "I..." Grover slumped. "I don't want to remove it, but... We'll have a better chance of getting to him with more people..." He sighed miserably.

       "It's for the best." I assured him, though inside I wanted to yell 'Don't break it! It's my only chance!'

        "I... Alright." Grover sighed again, then his scrunched up him nose in concentration. He slumped down after a little bit, looking exhausted. "It's broken. Now I need rest." He walked out of the room, dragging his hooves.

     Percy's POV

     I woke up in a white bed... somewhere. The room looked like an infirmary, but the air was acidic. Not very healthy for an infirmary. I blinked the blurriness out of my eyes and realized I had no idea where I was, how I got here, or even... Or who I was. I remember... Nothing. Like I was just made with no memories what so ever. I groaned, my head hurt from thinking too hard. The doors opened and I saw the scariest man-thing I've ever seen.

     He had a vortex face with glowing red eyes and a muscled, extremely large body. "Aklios! You're okay!" He exclaimed. Aklios? I cocked my head to the side.

     "Aklios? Who are you?" I asked. He frowned, or as far as I could tell.

     "You don't remember me?" He sounded upset I didn't know who he was.

     "I'm... I'm sorry, no." I told him apologetically.

     "Oh... Well, I'm your dad."

(A/N I WAS going to end it there, but it's only 900 words long.)

     I blinked once. "You're... My dad?" I asked. It didn't seem possible.

     He nodded. "Don't you remember me at all?" I shook my head no.

     "Oh. Well, I guess I'll have to tell you all about yourself then."

      *Time skip, one hour later*

      "Wait. So I'm in... Hell? And I'm an Assassin that works under your command?" I asked. It didn't sound quite right. Minus the hell thing, that would explain the acidic air.

       He nodded once. "Yes Aklios."

       "So... What do I do?" I asked. We were still in the infirmary.

       "I can show you around. Tomorrow I'll teach you more skills and powers, since you forgot how to use them..." I laughed nervously.

     "Don't worry about it. You were a quick learner, I hope you still are." He assured me.

     "So... Do I do assassinations here? Or on the surface?" I asked.

     "On the surface." For some reason he seemed amused, like me going on the surface to do missions was the most amusing thing in the world. He cleared his throat.

      "Anyway, I'll start training tomorrow. First get some rest." He told me. I nodded and laid back down, falling asleep with a heavy feeling in my gut.

     I woke up to my dads face above me. "Morning." He greeted, looking amused. I groaned and sat up, blinking.

      "Let's go. You've got a lot of training to do, my son."            

Getting out of TartarusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora