Training sucked

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Aklios' POV

     I hate training with all my heart. I've been training for YEARS now, and it really, REALLY sucks. The good thing? I'm the highest rank in everything, so I don't have to train anymore! I still don't remember anything about my life before this, so I'm kind of left in the dark, but my dad's okay. I mean, he's not one of those dads that play lava ball with you, but he's been more of a trainer than a dad so... Yeah.

     I was just sitting on my bed in my bedroom when the door opened and my dad stepped in. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Hey. What's up?" I asked. He never dropped by, he usually called me to his office or whatever. Usually it's about solving some monster dispute, but I've never been on a real mission, never left this dump. Sorry dad.

     "Well, I have a proposition for you." He said steadily.

     "Uh-huh?" I asked, telling him to go on.

     "It's mission." He told me. I groaned internally.

     "Did Garry steal Steve's ball again? Because I'm about to chuck them both to the other side of the realm, along with that ball. They can fight about it somewhere else." I told him honestly. It's happened like twenty times now.

     He laughed. "No, it's above." I shot upwards in my bed, eyes wide. 

     "Really?" I asked. He nodded.

     "Yes! Where? What is it?" I asked.

     He laughed again. "It's a place called Camp Half-Blood. They've been sending people down here to kill my villagers, and they're becoming pesky. I need you to steal the plans of getting down here. Just knock everyone out, don't kill them. That would take the fun out of everything. Just get the plans and get out, got it?" He asked. I nodded furiously.

      "Alright. I'll send you to the woods. You ready?" He asked.

      "I need stuff dad." I told him. He laughed sheepishly.

      "Right. Go get your weapons." He told me. I nodded and hopped out of bed.

       I walked over to a weapon rack on the left side of my bed, picking up my dual wield swords. One of them is called Aklios, the other one is called Gyuin. (If you read 'Dark Secrets' by ME, you'll get the reference :P) Together they're called Holy Swords, whatever that means. They're supposed to be the worlds deadliest blades, but I'm only able to use them on missions, and I haven't gotten one yet, SO I've never used them. Gyuin had a white blade that seems to glow. It has a silver handle with diamond and emeralds encrusted along it. Aklios has a pitch black blade and a black leather handle with rubies and tourmaline encrusted in it.

          I put them in my scabbard, then strapped in onto my back. I put on my mask that covers half my nose, mouth and chin, leaving my eyes visible. Under the scabbard I have a black cloak that trails behind me and a hood that goes down to the bottom of my forehead, leaving two or three inches of my face visible. "You ready?" He asked finally. I nodded, barely able to contain my excitement.

Annabeth's POV

     Percy has been assumed dead. It's been years, and his funeral was last month. Everyone, even the Ares campers were mourning. Even the gods came, most of them shedding tears. I was simply staring at the ceiling when the conch horn blew three times. Attack. I jumped up, as well as the rest of my cabin mates and grabbed my dagger. I put on a chest piece, not having time to put anything else on, and ran out. I saw everyone was kind of staring at Thalia's pine not attacking or anything. I couldn't see, but I was confused as to why no one was moving.

        I shoved my way through the crowds until I got to the front. I was shocked, to say the least. There stood a lone teenager. He wore a billowing cloak with a hood and mask that only revealed a strip of skin around his eyes. He was too far for me to tell his eye color. He had two swords strapped to his back, one that seemed to glow, and one that seemed to absorb any light around it. He stood in a bored posture, as if an entire camp of armed kids didn't scare him. "Who are you?" I called out. His head cocked to the side and he stared at me.

        "My name is Aklios." He said finally, which was good because his gaze was kind of unnerving.

        "Why are you at our camp?" I asked.

        "My father said you have plans to attack him. I have been sent to retrieve them." He responded. "So if you would just hand them over, no deaths or injuries shall be bestowed upon you."

     I nearly burst out laughing, but managed to keep my calm warrior façade. "And who is your father?" I asked.

     "My father is Tartarus." He answered. Many gasps and whispers were heard among our campers.

      "Quiet!" I yelled and all voices settles. "We have no plans to attack your father. There must be a mistake. We do our best to avoid your fathers realm, as it usually kills our demigods."

       "My father said otherwise." He assured me.

        "I swear on the river of Styx we have no means on attacking Tartarus unless he provokes us." I swore. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

        He looked up at the sky. He seemed to be questioning his father now. His gaze landed back on me. He slowly walked up the hill and our army stood ready. As he got closer, I could make out sea green eyes. Exactly like Percy's. I saw everything looked like him, his height, his eyes, even his cheekbones poked out like Percy's. My eyes widened and I looked around. I could tell a lot of Percy's friends had come to the same conclusion.

        "Do I know you?" He asked, now standing about ten feet away.

        "I-" I gulped. I looked over at the others, but they were in shock. "Percy?" I asked. His head tilted.

        "Who's... Percy?" He asked. My heart sunk.

        "You've never heard of him?" Nico asked. He seemed to know what he was doing so I let him take charge.

        "I.." He shook his head. "It feels familiar. But no."

        "Ah. So... How about the name Annabeth Chase?" Nico asked.

        His eyes squinted. "Annabeth... Same thing. Familiar, but no." He seemed slightly confused. "Why are you asking me this?"

        Nico tapped his chin thoughtfully. "So how about Perseus Achilles Jackson?" Aklios shrugged.

       "I... A weird feeling in my head." He admitted hesitantly.

       "Okay, now, Σας απελευθερώνομαι από την κατάρα σου ως βασιλιά φάντασμα, διοικητής των κατάρα." Nico spoke those words and Aklios passed out on the dot.

   "I FORBID THIS!" A voice screamed out of nowhere. "HE'S RIGHTFULLY MINE!" Nico and I shuddered in terror. Tartarus.

    "And we got him back!" Nico yelled back. "He's rightfully ours!"

     "NO!" He screamed, but his voice seemed quieter. "I SHALL have hi..." His voice trailed off into quiet and Nico and I rushed towards Aklios, now known as Percy.

       I cradled his head in my lap and he groaned, his eyes fluttering open. His eyes squinted at my face. "Wha... Am I on... The surface?" He muttered, looking around. I smiled, tears falling down my face.

        "Yeah Percy, you did it." I whispered.

        "But... How?" He asked weakly.

         "You should rest." I told him. "It's been years." His eyes widened but he nodded weakly, closing his eyes and falling asleep instantaneously.

Authors Note

     No, it's not going to be only three chapters long. The end is FAR away, don't you worry. I don't like short stories, so unless they are one-shots I'm not going to write them! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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