Chapter 3

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Cooking wasn't really Scott's thing. The only time he tried to whip up some pasta he ended up with a burnt hand, food in the trash and chinese takeaway. Still, he knew how much his mother loved home cooked dishes, so he rolled up his sleeves and got down to business. This time he managed to prepare a decent sandwich without setting the kitchen on fire or chopping off some fingers. The self pat on the back was definitely deserved, despite minor details such as the almost stale bread and slightly over cooked peppers. He placed the sandwich in a pretty container and put it inside a plastic bag together with a water bottle. He stepped outside, locked the front door and hopped on his bike, headed towards the hospital.

The main hall was always crowded and noisy, but during lunch hour it was like hell on earth. Nurses sprinting with their carts yelling "watch out, coming through", patients being literally dragged to the dining hall, visitors wandering around in bewilderment because they couldn't find their loved one amongst the crowd. Scott considered turning around and driving back home for a brief moment, but his mother needed lunch so he asked a doctor if he could kindly point him in the right direction to where Melissa was. After having gotten lost a couple of times, he finally reached a room which was almost as big as his own house. Tables were spread all around and patients were sitting in front of a tray filled with their lunch; some had spaghetti, others had pills as big as a finger. He spotted his mother sitting at a table not far from the door. Right next to her was this golden-haired boy, staring forward with a blank expression. Scott walked over to them and placed the bag on the plastic surface of the table. His mother turned around and her face instantly lighted up.

"Hi honey! Oh, thanks for the lunch. I'd better go hide it or someone might eat it before I do!" she said with a dazzling smile, already on her way to the reception.

Scott's stomach turned upside down. From what he had read that morning while eating breakfast, that boy definitely was the new patient. He didn't look crazy, just bored. And maybe soulless, but that wasn't important.

"Hey, I'm Scott. Your nurse is my mom." What the hell did he just say? Who was stupid enough to even consider being friends with a psychopath? Well, Scott McCall for one. He wasn't even sure he was allowed to speak to him, but he sat down nonetheless, looking to meet his gaze. After rummaging in his pockets for a bit, he pulled out some sweets which caught the blond boy's attention. It was in that moment that Scott noticed the contents of the tray: two pills and a glass of water.

"You want some?" The boy nodded vigorously. He reached out with a hand to take a piece of red candy but withdrew it immediately as the scratches from earlier became visible. He rubbed the palms of his hands on his trousers.

Scott put the piece of candy directly in the boy's plate, so he wouldn't have to expose himself too much.

"What's your name?" Scott tried once more, while chewing on a green one.

Isaac didn't move an inch, still rubbing his thighs anxiously. He was looking down, head buried in his shoulders, just like he was afraid to speak. Scott decided to try a different approach. He got closer to Isaac's face and fixed his eyes on a visitor nearby.

"Hey, look at that guy. He's dressed like a couch." He could have sworn he saw the corners of Isaac's mouth tilting up a hint. Maybe this was the right way to get through to him.

"And tell me if that doesn't look like a tablecloth." Raising his eyebrows, he pointed at a girl's dress. Isaac turned his head to face the girl and barely held back a smile at the sight.

"...Is that a dead mouse on that guy's head?" For the first time after his father's death, Isaac laughed. Scott labelled it a "personal victory" and mentally raised a fist in the air. Isaac's laugh was crystal clear and cheerful, like a baby's giggling. He still didn't understand how that boy ended up in the nuthouse.

"Why are you talking to me?" Isaac asked. His hands were still rubbing on his trousers, but his voice didn't sound hostile.

"You seem an ok guy." Scott handed him another piece of candy, then put an elbow on the table.

The silence that followed wasn't embarrassing. Not being able to find a topic to discuss upon first meeting someone was absolutely normal. What wasn't normal, on the other hand, was trying to be friends with an unstable person.

Melissa came back from the reception, carrying a few medical records. She was about joining the two boys when a patient stopped her halfway to ask for another serving of chicken. Isaac used the occasion to take the pills and shove them quickly inside his pocket, looking around to ensure nobody saw him.

"Don't tell them" His blue eyes turned grey. "Please, don't tell them."

As soon as Melissa managed to reach them, she took Isaac away from her son with an excuse. Just before crossing the threshold, he swiftly dropped the pills into the trash can.

"Isaac." he said, turning aroud towards Scott. To the latter's confused gaze, he replied with a smile. "My name is Isaac."

So, he wasn't crazy. He was an ok guy.

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