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Hi, I'm exited for these, are you? Nah, probably not, but that's okay! Well, enjoy!


"C'mon Jalie, don't be a wimp do it! What your father think of your chickening out, hmm?" A girls voice.

I looked in to the void in which I was to jump. The Grand Canyon, six thousand feet deep, eighteen miles wide.

Everything the voices have told me up to this point have led me here, to this point in my life, to the edge of a chasm.

In this exact spot was were I dumped my fathers ashes into the river. My father was obsessed with the Grand Canyon, I never did understand it.

"Go on Jalie, of corse it's fine, your father did it, why can't you? You know you can fly, why not test out your wings?" A boy.

My wings. I had forgotten them. It makes sense that I forgot them, I can't see them. They are angel wings, therefor, a regular mortal can't see them.

"If you fly, your wings will become visible to you, c'mon girl, you want to be a full angel right? Then you gotta jump!" The girl again.

"Your father is an angel now, so if you do this, you will see him again!" The boy.

That sold me. My father. Seeing him again. I can tell him the things mother can't. I will. I will jump, I will fly!

I spread out my arms, not seeing or feeling my wings unfolding, but knowing that they are. I step to the very edge. My toes push crumbles of dirt and rock down, tumbling, rolling and slowly shrinking in size as the go towards the bottom.

"It's now or never darling, come, fly." My father's voice.

I jump. The wind in my face is exhilarating. The voices have stopped.

I hope that-

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