On Singing (baby rant)

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"Kim, why do you even bother singing, it's not like you're any good"

I've gotten this question many times, so I figured I would bring it up here. Here is my answer, and what I think singing should be for all people, including you.

"No, I'm not any good, but that is not the reason that I sing. I sing for hope. I sing for love, and peace and prosperity. I sing to celebrate the good times, and to mourn in the bad.

Song brings us together. Words touch hearts, and when put to song, words can mend, can bring forth a higher level of communication and pull us together.

Many of the greatest friends and lovers met each other through music, and relationships forged in song will endure the test of time.

I don't sing because I'm good, I sing for those worse off than me, and I will sing to bring people together.

I sing for us all, and I will sing for you too."

Always remember to sing your heart out, even if you have no ability, you will bring joy to those who hear your words. Always sing. Sing for you, for your family, for your friends, for the people you see walking down the street. Always sing.


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