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Stars. Bright stars. They are always shining, never faltering, not even in death. We can always see them, even if they were gone thousands of years before, ever-lasting, strong.

I want to be a star. I want to glow, and be strong. I want to stand out against the darkness, be with other beautiful stars.

But I'm not a star. I'm more of a black hole, sucking others up and hurting them. Nothing can escape me and my mistakes. I am a mistake in itself. Born from a beautiful star, I am a monstrosity. A killer and a beast. Everyone I get close to will eventually get stuck without light.

But you, you are a star, you are beautiful, and is don't want to hurt you. So stay away, for your own good. Avoid the pain and darkness and go, leave forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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