Facts About The Author

20 1 6

Hey everyone, so here's the thing. My older cousin, Antonio stole my phone on Saturday and read ALL my chapters for this book and he thought it was pretty cool.

And turns out he used to be a Wattpadian too! He said he gave up the Wattpad life to go to college I was super stoked when he told me.

He gave me some advice and he told me that maybe I should state some facts about myself on Wattpad so y'all can get to know me better.

He said I don't necessarily have to do an actual face reveal that's for you guys to decided. So I'm doing what he asked.

Here goes. 20 facts about DarkDameWriter.

1.  I am a really soft person. I could legit cry at any second so you gotta be really careful with words. I cry if someone else does, if something is sad or even if something is beautiful. But over I have come to realise that it just shows that I'm human like everyone else.

2. My favorite colours is navy blue, black and grey. I like all colours really but I LOVE the dark ones.

3. I have a weird way of shouting things out loud across restaurants. I don't know why I just do...

4. I enjoy meditation even my friends think I'm too loud to ever calm down.

5. My hobbies are reading, writing (DUH!), singing and dancing and watching T.V


7. When I was five I believed that ginger biscuits were a curse from the aliens. (Seriously though I HATE ginger biscuits with a burning passion.. T-they're so dry.. Ugh, gross...)

8. I curse way too much for a fourteen year old.

9. I still watch cartoons most of the time because my mother is way too over protective but too much of it works on my nerves since I'm older now.

10. I'm more of a dog lover even though I have seven cats and one dog! I can't wait till they all die! *evil laughter* I'm not evil, I swear I love all of them but the reason why I want them to perish is because my mom said we have to have a maximum of 2 cats & then my brother & I can both have a puppy!! Fingers crossed!🐕

11. I'm bilingual. I speak both English and Afrikaans.(Maybe that's why White people like me so much??)

12. I wish I was a unicorn (and have the ability to poop rainbows in the enemy's faces) ...Don't ask.

13. I'm random.

14. When I was six, I realised that periods was actually a thing so when my mom didn't want to buy me an ice cream I shouted across the whole mall “Mamma my V-J is bleeding ” She was so embarrassed she bought me an ice cream and took me to Mc Donald's.😂

15. I had a crush on John Cena when I was twelve Again...don't ask.

16. It is my dream to marry Hades the God of The Underworld and watch the world burn..Whahahaa *I'm kidding guys,....or am I?*

17. I watch TMNT everyday after school *blushes* Don't judge me!

18. I love writing with a passion and one day I hope to become a part time author.

19. I think Eminem and Kendrick Lamar are the absolute best. Love them!!💖💖💖👍💞

And finally.

20. I love everyone on Wattpad and I hope you all love this book.

Welp that's a wrap, y'all. Thanks for reading!



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