A Family

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The next day Sasuke proposed to Naruto. They married 7 months later, and been married for 2 months

Sasuke is on a mission, and I am taking care of the house. I feel a slight pain, and thought it was nothing, i heard a knock on the door. Sakura was there. I let her in and we talked. The pain became worse, my water broke. Sakura noticed and grabbed my hand, we went to the hospital. We were there for hours. Gave birth to a little boy. He had dark hair, with 2 lines on his cheek. Iruka came in and hugged me, and kept saying 'im a grandpa'.

He had strong chakra. Days past and sasuke came home. He saw i was no longer pregnant, he hugged me and ran upstairs, i followed. I saw him kissing our little angle. "Whats his name?" I smiled, "Boruto". He hugged me, with our baby in his hands.

-sorry for being short-

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