3: Making The Rounds

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With Ove in my hand I lead him into the train. Most people here hold their partners hands, married or not. It's normal I guess, accept when it comes to Ove and I.

There is only one seat available on the train, and usually the man will let his wife or future wife to sit while he stands but far by me to think Ove would act "usual".

I stand in the aisle struggling to keep my balance as we cross over town to the south side, having less money, the tracks are old and crooked shaking across the track from lack of repair.

It's very different here than on the north side where Ove lives, we don't have grass quite as green, or a sky quite as blue; our houses are small cottages build over fifty years ago with a single well in the centre where we can all collect water in the buckets which hopefully doesn't have any holes in it. Most of us wear brown clothes because the orange ones are quite expensive for the amount of money we do make.

As people leave and enter the train, there seems to be a transition from blue and green tag clothing to orange and brown. I look and around and recognize a handful of their faces, I feel quite out of place sitting in blue extravagance while they struggle just to eat.

The train squeaks to hold, one stop before mine, three people remove themselves from their seats so I now can place myself beside Ove. Last of all, Saga and her new partner enter the train and quickly find the two empty seats across from me. Oh how awkward it is to see her again. Years ago when we were still required to go to school, I would sit with her nearly every day at lunch. We grew up together, if you were ever looking for me and you saw Saga, you know I would be close by because we were always attached at the hip. She always keeps me in line, even at the market place she made sure I stayed proper and look where that got me, sitting here with Ove. But look where it got her.

I look at her now sitting next to a man also in orange, I thought for sure Ove's friend Arvid would have picked her and brought her some wealth but I guess not.

I turn my head to look at Ove instead of facing her, I don't even know what to stay to her when we both sit like this. Tension fills the room once I see in the corner of my eye that she stares at me wearing blue, I am almost ashamed to wear it.

"This is out stop." I pat Ove's leg, I now know to wait for him to pass in front of me because I know he likes to leave first without waiting for me.

"Where are we going to?"

"That cottage at the very end." I point to the farthest one in the row, It's a long walk to the well everyday to get water but I like the stroll down the cobblestone path, I got to greet my neighbors every morning as I made my way sharing a smile for a brief moment on their face.

Now I walk down and feel the need to hide my face, as if walking down these streets in this apparel is mocking them in some fashion.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" I open my door smelling the cabbage soup my mother cooks nearly everyday.

"Astrid! Hello honey, come for a bowl?" She slides a plaster place set on the table for myself and for Ove to eat, but I know he wouldn't be too impressed with cabbage soup when he is used to eating such extravagant meals. She places her hand on her hip impressed with the man I bring home to her. She wears brown as many of the people do, and light marks of dirt paint her face, I forgot how dirty the people are.

"Sure." I smile and guide Ove to the free seat, he grimaces, uncomfortable having to sit in a chair within a house looking this way but my mother and I are smart enough to ignore it. "North people are too petty." my mother would always say to me.

"How bout you introduce your young man to me?" She smiles and pats the back of my shoulder blade. Her smile is just the same as I remembered it, long and perky with slight winkles in the corners, she smiles a lot, that was clearly evident.

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