Chapter One: Assigned Marriage

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This is insanely unethical! The sorting hat gets a say in who I marry? I don't even know who I'm going to marry. Ever since Ronald and I broke up last fall, everything has been a blur of misery and despair. But I must go on with it since all men and women are assigned a marriage from seventeen through thirty-five. And I'm an even nineteen year old young lady. We're all supposed to meet in the Ministry of Magic at 4:00 sharp today. And I'm nervous. I had to go and pick out the most expensive thing I own and do my own makeup. I had to look nice for not just the minister, but for whoever I'm spending the rest of my life with. I've even bought four inch heels to practice walking on! How special this guy will be if I'm trying to wear heels for this guy.

               I'm on the verge of crying

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I'm on the verge of crying. How could the minister be so pathetic as to assign marriages to people? Some people are happy with being alone. But the sorting hat is never wrong. So I'll have to suck it up and make do. I wait in the line for my turn to be paired with a certain male. I sigh, my feet hurting from standing in line for hours at a time. I'll have to take those damned shoes off sooner or later and look unprofessional. I finally get second in line after another hour of waiting. Lavender Brown is in front of me. When her name is called, she smoothed out her skirt and stumbles in the ministers office rather clumsily. I sigh. It's almost my turn I think to myself. Keep it together, Hermione. You can do this. Lavender Brown comes out looking rather shocked. She comes up to the males on the other side of the room and stands in from of Seamus Finnegan. He looks completely shocked as well, almost too shocked. He straightens himself out and takes her hand, leading her to the floo so he can take her home.

"Hermione Granger." The minister calls from inside the office.

I gulp, looking scared as I walk into the office. I sit down on one of the dark red leather chairs, looking at the sorting hat on the desk. This is going to be interesting. The minister places the hat on my head and it immediately begins speaking to me.

"Hello Miss. Granger. Long time no see. Let's take a look into your mind and see who would fit you perfectly for marriage." The sorting hat begins.

It take a few minutes for it to make an educated answer. But it's definitely not an answer I wanted. It was an answer I would never forget I'll tell you now.

"DRACO MALFOY!" The hat yells audibly throughout the room.

I gasp. This cannot be happening! Yes, I had a crush on Draco Malfoy from third year to seventh year, but that certainly went away. Or did it? I'm not sure and I can't fathom why I'd think about it now. I gulp. I'll have to face him today. And I know he'll taunt and bully me. Make me feel worthless like he did in school. I just have a feeling in my gut. I stand up and numbly make my way out the door, walking over to the long line of men, searching for a platinum blonde head. When I spot it, I see him looking elsewhere, staring at Astoria Greengrass. This won't be good. I step in front of him and wave my hand in front of his face. He looks my way and a look of surprise flies across his face. He then straightens his composure and sighs.

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