2 - The Vanishing of Jimmy Lovegood

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It was around 8PM when Castle Rock diner was about as empty as a ghost town, and when Luke sat there with a steaming, hot cup of coffee sitting in front of him. He sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat as he had focused on the sound of the pitter patter of the rain outside.

He knew that he clearly said that he was pretty much set on going alone to the east. So why was this pit in his stomach just sitting there in anticipation praying that someone would just walk through that door, that someone had to believe in him.

To his attention came a head of bleached and damaged hair and the smell of cigarette smoke. Michael Clifford pushed through the diner, followed by his sidekick Calum Hood. The two had been an inseparable duo since the beginning of time, shredding on skateboards half that time and religiously smoking pot the other half of the time.

The two had sat in the booth behind Luke, Michael taking a long drag before putting the cigarette out against the table.

It wasn't long until a waitress had glided towards their table, pulling a small smile. "What can I get you guys?" She had asked the two.

"Hi Cassidy, I'll have a cup of coffee and your digits babe." Calum smirked at the smitten blonde.

"Calum." She giggled, rolling her eyes. "I'm working."

"Well give me a time you're off your shift, and maybe I'll pick you up, go some place else." He muttered, eyeing her as Cassidy bit her lip before glancing away.

"Jesus Christ, just fuck and get it over with. Preferably not while I'm right in front of you guys either." Michael scoffed. "Two coffee's, that's all." He rudely dismissed the flirting short girl, Calum coldly staring at him.

Cassidy frowned, just scoffing at Michael before mumbling something like 'unbelievable' under her breath as she had turned around and swayed away, Calum purposely raking his eyes lower than intended as she did.

"Keep your dick in your pants, Calum. Everyone's in mourning."

"Over Trix and Carter? Oh please. The two were bound to be nothing but a number added to the population anyways." Calum lowly whispered, cautiously looking around before saying so.

His head would be on a pitchfork if anyone in the town had heard him disrespect Carter and Trixie in anyway, yet he still couldn't keep his mouth shut. Calum just had that tendency.

"Do you even know what actually happened?" Michael chuckled nonchalantly, shrugging his denim jacket off and brushing his white tee off.

"Suicide, right?"

"No, Pennywise happened."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Calum asked in confusion, shaking his head.

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