Chapter 9 - The Pizza-POV Pt 1

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Later on, they left the beach, and went back to their hotel room to get changed. Everyone similar outfits to the night before.  "Can we go out tonight?" Pearl asked, sounding like she was begging. "Okay, sure! Where to?" Gidget replied. "I don't know. Can we look around?"
"I'm gonna do my hair first." said Pearl, randomly. Everyone, except Bob, agreed to do the same. Pearl put hers in a half ponytail with a red ribbon around it, KC put hers in her usual side ponytail, leaving out her side fringe, Carly left hers down, Bella pulled some of hers back into a ponytail, which she tied with a dark pink bobble to match her outfit, and finally, Gidget separated the blue and blonde in her hair and tied the blonde into a ponytail like Pearl and Bella. Bob just sat on his and Gidget's bed, watching everyone get ready. "Are we gonna go?" he asked. "Sure!" Gidget replied. Bella, Pearl and Carly took the stairs while Bob and Gidget went in the lift. "How is everyone else gonna know where we're going?" Bob asked another question. "Oh! Almost forgot! I'll text H."

Gidget: H we're going for a walk to find somewhere to go for dinner

Gidget: Wanna come?

H: Do I have too?

.....( long pause ).....

Gidget: No


Gidget: Uh I don't know

H: Fine I'll come we still have like 5 days

Gidget: Okay and tell everyone else too, thanks

H: Be down in a minute..

Once the lift stopped and the doors opened, Pearl, Carly, KC and Bella were waiting right outside the door. "Uhm...How did you know what one we were in?" Gidget wondered aloud. "Well..."

"Let's scare them!" Pearl shouted. "Okay!" Carly wanted to too. "Uhm maybe we shouldn't..." KC worried. "Scaredy cat!" Pearl moaned. "Yeah come on KC it's just a bit of fun!" Carly encouraged. "Fine. Okay!" KC agreed. "I'm not! Bye!" Bella decided not to but she went with them anyway. When the walked over to the area of the lifts, they realised there was 4. "Oh! Come on!" Pearl and Carly moaned. "Lol." Bella said. "Not exactly funny but okay." At least KC is a good person.

5 minutes later...

"Why did you scare everyone who came out an elevator?" KC asked. "I don't flippin' know or care!" Pearl argued. "Huh?"                                                                                                                                     

"Okay then..?" Bob and Gidget laughed. "Lets go!" Pearl forced. "We need to wait for H!" Gidget explained her conversation a few minutes before. "I'm here you know!" H shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, let's go then!"

Outside, it was sunset. The streets were quiet and lights were off. "Why is it so quiet?" KC asked. "Don't know..." Gidget replied. "I'm kinda scared..." KC said, more worried. "Oh well!" Bob chirped as he grabbed Gidget's hand and dragged her down the street, then Bella. Once he stopped, Gidget took KC's hand and walked with her to make her less scared. Bob followed right behind her, hoping to hold her hand again.

Eventually, after a half an hour walk, they reached the street with restaurants on it. "Finally! Who's great flippin' idea was this?" H moaned. "Mine!" Pearl moaned too. "Ooo! Pizza!" Gidget turned around to see Bob and Carly screeching. "What the heck was that?" She laughed. "Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza!" Bob continued to point at the pizzaria. "Oh, pizza?" Bob nodded rapidly.  Suddenly, Pearl started singing, followed by Carly. This was what they had been doing all summer so far. "Why?" Gidget was getting annoyed by this point. "Either way, let's go!" They went inside the pizzaria, sat down, ordered and ate their food.

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