Chapter 10 - The Sunset-POV Pt 2

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"I wonder what we're doing for dinner!" Jimmy wondered aloud, when they were back in the hotel. "Me too Jimbro!" Tea Party shouted quickly. "Okay then..." Jimmy replied quietly. Emilia giggled, sounding bored.

It was about 6pm and no one had gotten dinner yet. Nobody knew what they were doing. "Can we find a restaurant!?" Tea Party begged. "Okay! Anyone else wanna come?" Jimmy questioned. "I'll come!" TicToc and Emilia both replied. "Okay!" They got up and left.

Since they were pretty much just in the pool, they were still wearing swimming costumes. On top, they wore their normal clothes. Jimmy wore his a light blue vest, covered by a white, unbuttoned shirt, and blue swimming trunks with flowers on them. Emilia wore a dark turquoise dress that went just above her knees. TicToc wore a turquoise T-shirt with grey shorts. Underneath was her dark blue swimming costume with clocks on it. Tea Party was wearing a turquoise sleeveless top with a dark purple skirt just above her knees. You could still see part of her mint swimming costume she wore underneath. Everyone wore the same shoes as the night before.

Across from the hotel was the beach. "Oooh! What's that building there?" Tea Party wondered aloud. "Oh, I think it's a seafood restaurant ." Jimmy replied. "Can we go? Please!" Tea Party pleaded. Jimmy looked at Emilia, checking it was okay. "Sure! Why not?" She said. "Yay!" Tea Party shouted, very loudly. "Woo!" TicToc screeched as they ran towards the restaurant.

Once they got inside, they sat down and ordered. Jimmy got crab sushi with lemonade. Emilia got avacado sushi with lemon Fanta. She was going to get a frappe put she didn't because that was a lunch drink or a dessert in her opinion. Tea Party got squid sushi with hot chocolate which everyone told her was coffee. TicToc got a lot of fish tasters with a mint chocolate frappe.

Waiting for their food was the most boring thing ever! Luckily, there was an open kitchen so they could watch the chefs make the food! "I'm so bored!" Tea Party screamed. "Shh!" Jimmy and Emilia jinxed. Suddenly, a big gush of flame shot up from the kitchen! Emilia grabbed Jimmy's arm and Jimmy hugged her back. Then they realised that TicToc and Tea Party were staring at them. Tea Party giggled. "Oopsies!" Jimmy mumbled. Everyone laughed.

After dinner, Tea Party was still bored. "Well what do you want to do then?" Emilia asked. "I'm not sure!" Tea Party smiled. "That's not a good thing Tea Party..." Jimmy laughed. "Oh.....OKAY!" Tea Party replied. "I feel bad for leaving my sister alone. the same time, I hate her so I don't. Is that weird?" Emilia asked. "No not at all! Even though I hate Briar, well not hate her but.. you get what I mean, I miss her being my 'sister'! Then I miss Tea Party whenever I go somewhere without her!" Jimmy replied.

"I know!" TicToc said, looking thoughtfully into the distance. "What?" Jimmy and Tea Party jinxed. "Lets go swimming in the sea!" TicToc answered. "Yay! Wooooo!" Tea Party ran towards the beach and took off her dress to show her swimming costume. Everyone else did the same. Luckily, Jimmy had brought a backpack so they kept all of their stuff in there. "I wonder where everyone else went," Emilia wondered aloud. "Same here," Jimmy said.

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