Chap 11

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   Im going to try and make this chapter 3 parts hopefully
   this was it, today was the day that Ashley and I were finally getting married. We arrived at the island a couple of weeks ago and this place was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Our cabana like huts had been open and square, with white straw roofs and open doorways. They say right above the beautiful turquoise blue waters but tucked along the soft white sand in front of a few palm trees. And the best part was Greta was now under me and Ashley's care. It was surprisingly fast but she was safer and all her stuff had been shipped to our house.
      Juniper and Alex had kept to their word, they kept Ashley and I separated for two whole days and nights before the wedding. It drove me stir crazy, I didn't like the separation  at all especially because I had nightmares about Ashley leaving me, not wanting to get married, and the worst was falling out of love with me and going to one of his Ex's.
     Juniper was on there verge of strangling me, mainly because I had kept waking up screaming from my night mares. I tried not to but I couldn't help it. But tonight was different, I stayed up all night staring at the ceiling as i laid in bed, Juniper was going to kill me. I couldn't sleep, I was to worried, I know I shouldn't have but I was. Sighing I got out of bed and walked out the open space where the door was supposed to go and onto the small wood balcony leaning on the railing. I adjusted the silk red mid thigh robe I was wearing, the only thing I was wearing besides my underwear for changing tomorrow, and looked at the purplish orange red sky. I sighed as I watched the sun slowly start to rise, setting my chin on my hand
     "Why the long face baby girl?" I heard a familiar smooth voice ask as a pair of rough hands grabbed my side. I jumped up startled, trying to catch my breath as I turned and saw Ashley. He laughed as I shoved him backwards, my heart racing in my chest
    "Vhat the hell Ash, you scared the living shit out of me" I said trying to slow my breathing. I looked up at him again
    "Oh im sorry baby girl I didn't mean to scare you" Ashley said comfortingly as he walked over and pulled me to him, arms wrapped around my waist
    "Its fine. Vhat are you doing here? Ve aren't supposed to see each other until a few hours, Juniper vill kill you if she found out you here here, she can Valk in at any moment" I said lowering my voice "not that I don't mind the visit, but I vould like to get married in a couple of hours."
    "Let her, I wanted to see my baby girl the separation was killing me on the inside. The guys were being loud anyways so I said I was going to sleep and I put my pillows under the blanket before I snuck out and ran over here. I could care less if I got caught I needed to see you" he said
      "Yea vell you aren't the only one vho doesn't agree vith the separation"I said biting my lip and looking down. Ashley lifted my chin making me look into his beautiful warm eyes
     "What's wrong baby girl?" His asked quietly, softly. I sighed "you can tell me anything"
    "Its just.... this separation, I've had nightmares these past two days I literally voke  up screaming, hell I scared Juniper a few times actually...."   
     "What nightmares?" Ashley asked concerned. I shook my head
     "You leaving me, not vanting to marry me anymore or you moving onto one of your ex's...."
     "Anubis I would never ever leave you for an ex. I wouldn't leave you and I sure as hell wouldn't want to marry you their is nothing to worry about" Ashley said comfortingly
     "I know...  I guess its just vedding day jitters. Im probably just nervous and over reacting about the whole thing" I said. 
     "Its fine, you're fine. I just wish I had been here to comfort you" Ashley said. I giggled "what are you giggling about?"
    "Oh nothing..." I said rolling my eyes playfully "it's not like I'm getting married to the love of my life or anything. Because that's not important right?"
    "Oh very funny I just absolutely enjoy your sense of humour" Ashley said sarcastically. I laughed
    "Yea you know you do. Its part of my charm, you should have known this im a packaged deal, sarcastic smart ass behavior is part of it"
    "Oh but that's one of the many things I love about you" Ashley said chuckling
    "Oh yea, and vhat exactly do you love about me?" I asked before glaring at him "and I swear to god if you say my accent again I am going to smack you"
     "Well one of them is your accent" Ashley said. I lightly smacked his face and he laughed before he rubbed his cheek "ow that hurts baby girl"
     "Hey I varned you" I chided
     "But it's true you're accent is so beautiful. Its super soothing I could listen to it all day and the way you say and pronounce things is just adorable. Your w's sound like v's and its just cute, despite trying to understand  what you're saying"
      "Heyyyy" I said whining
      "Im just joking baby girl I can understand you just fine" Ashley said. Suddenly I heard footsteps headed my way and me and Ashley's eyes widened in shock
     "Go, hide quickly. Now" I whispered quietly before shoving him off to the side. I quickly ran over to the railing resuming the position I had before Ashley had came and looked out the ocean when the sheet was pulled back, the torch light peeking through. I looked back to see Juniper standing in the door way
     "What are you doing?" Juniper asked as she walked toward me. I shrugged
      "Couldn't sleep. I valked out here to get some fresh air" I answered. Juniper sighed and grabbed my wrist before dragging me back onto my room. 
     "You're supposed to be sleeping, you're getting married in a few hours and you're going to need all the beauty sleep you can get so you can knock Ashley on his feet"
     "You need sleep more then I do, you're pregnant im not" I pointed out.
      "Yea yea. Who were you talking to?"
     "Vhat are you talking about?" I asked as she sat me down in the bed
     "I could have sworn I heard you talking to someone. It better not have been Ashley or im kicking both of yalls asses you cant be together right now" she said. I laughed quietly
    "No it vast Ashley, I haven't seen him in two days thanks to you guys"
     "It's supposed to surprise Ashley with your absolute beauty  now go to sleep before I dope you up on some sleeping pills" Juniper said before walking out. Suddenly I felt the bed dip besides me and arms wrapped around me, getting pulled on someones chest.
    "Nice thong baby girl" Ashley said. I blushed darkly as he chuckled
    "How do you know vhat im vearing?" I asked, although he was right.
     "Your robe is a little to short so I got a sneak peek. I actually think me and that robe of yours are going to be best friends" Ashley replied smoothly as his hands rested on my ass and giving a little squeeze. I bit my lip holding back a giggle "you have to be quiet baby girl otherwise Juniper will walk in and ruin all the fun"
    "That had to vait until the honey moon" I said smirking. He pouted.
    "Awwwwww but I don't know how long I can wait" he whined. I only laughed and kissed him sweetly
    "You know I cant stay long" he said as he rubbed the small of my back. I sighed
     "I know, but its vorth it" I said as I laid my head on his chest, his heart beat steady as I rised and fell with his chest
    "This is nice" Ashley said "everything is so calm and quiet. I could get used to this"
    "Same this place is beautiful" I said.      
      "Well this is untouched, I wonder what your dad has planned for us on that one Island"
      "Probably like this, maybe prettier" I said. We talked quietly for hours about everything, like we had done in high school. Honestly it was magical. Unfortunately as the sin had continued to rise and I heard everyone else starting to get up. I kissed Ashley goodbye and watched as he suck out, back to where he was staying so nobody had gotten suspicious
    "GOOD MORNING BRIDE TO BE, ITS TIME TO GET YOUR ASS UP AND READY FOR TODAY" Alex shouted as she burst into my room. I yawned as I sat up and glared at her
     "CALM THE FUCK DOWN ALEX" Juniper shouted. She just laughed.
     "Yea vhat juniper said." I said as I got up and streched
     "Sorry im just super excited  I mean you are getting married today how is that not exciting" Alex said "oh by the way Lexi, Eva, and Alexandria are setting up the decorations so they'll be back to get ready in a few"
       "But for right you my friend are getting a make over" she said as she grabbed my arm and drug me to the 'living room' and sat me down on the stool and grabbed the nail polish
     "Bitch you better not be stealing my job as Maid of Honor" Juniper said as she walked in
      "Oh no you get the fun stuff, hair and make up" Alex said. Junipers face light up
   "Yessss. Buy that means you have to do Greta's im going to be tied up  with Abubis"
     "Of course. Greta is such a sweet heart I wish she were my daughter" Alex said as she began painting my nails
      Greta had gotten along with everyone very well, she was just amazing company. As juniper worked on my hair I watched as Alex pained three of my nails black, two being clear with a tree, spider, crescent moon and star, and coffin on its own clear nail
      "Thanks Alex, these look great" I said smiling happily. She hopped up smiling
     "Its no problem now lets go get you your garter" Alex said smiling. I gulped, I only thought that her and Alex were joking. American traditions were weird, then again to Americans German traditions were weird... really weird
     Alex walked back out holding out a thin red garter with thin black chains. She smiled as i blushed in embarrassment
     "Give me your leg" she said before she walked over, picked up my leg, and slid the garter on placing it just above my knee "there its up enough for Ashley to slip his head under and grab it seeing your dress is lose enough at the bottom"
     "Is it normal for him to slip his head under?" I asked nervously. Juniper and Alex laughed
    "Of course it is, this or use your hands but we all know Ashley would love to stick his head up your dress. He literally told us that he was going to use his teeth" Alex said.
     " (1) das ist wundervar. Ich werde Hunderte von Leuten haben, die mich beobachten, wie Ashley's Kopf mein Kleid bei meiner Hochzeit" I said.
     "J, you mind translating for me?" Alex asked looking at Juniper
      "Something about wonderful, having a dozen people watch...." Juniper started to brush through my curled hair as she poofed it up before starting to braid it. I watched as Alex put in these black lace barefoot beach sandals.
     Suddenly Greta walked in wearing a shoulder less mid thigh dark purple with a satin ribbon down the middle, finger less spider web gloves, and upside down Roman cross ear rings.
      "Vell don't you look beautiful" I said smiling. She blushed and looked down at the ground rubbing her arm
     " (2) Danke Kusine Anubis" she said as she sat down on the low shaggy creme colored couch
     "You don't have to call me that you can just call me Anubis" I said as juniper tugged on my hair a little bit
    "I know but I still cant get over the fact that your my cousin" she said. I chuckled and Alex went over to greta to start her hair and make up.
     "So how nervous are you?" Juniper asked
     "Really J, I think ve all know how nervous I am"
    "So super fucking nervous then" juniper said laughing. I rolled my eyes playfully
    "No kidding" I said sarcastically "how did you know"
      "Don't get sassy with me missy  I can always mess up your hair and makeup" juniper fired back
    "You vouldn't"
    "Oh I would. I will and I can" Juniper said laughing
    "Such a meanie" I said. Finally she stopped
    "There done. Now here comes the really fun part, your make up"
    "I don't know if I should be happy or terrified" I said
    "Both" Alex said "trust me you should be both"
    "Learned from experience?" I asked as juniper made me close my eyes when she grabbed her make up bag
    "Oh yea on more then one occasion" Alex said. Suddenly I heard feet shuffling our way before I heard laughter.
    "The decorations are done thanks to me" I heard Eva say "owww"
    "Oh Don't say ow. You deserve it" I heard Alexandria say 
    "Because I've had no sleep the past five months at  all and I still got up to help set up"
    "What's gonna work Team work" I heard Lexi say before everyone laughed
    "Nooooo" Alexandria cried "anything but that theme song"
    "Did you not watch the wonder pets when you were little or something?" Alex asked
    "I did. Then my asshole of a  cousin had scared the living shit out of me with them. Im trying to erase them from my life"
     "Hey Lexi can you go get the dress?" Juniper asked
    "Of course I can. Where is it?" She asked
    "In my room laying out on the bed" Juniper said as I felt a brush be applied on my eyes.
    "Ill be back~" Lexi sang before I heard someone leave. After  while Juniper finished  
    "And done. You can open your eyes now, let me go get a mirror" Juniper said. I opened my eyes as she ran out
       Alexandria wore a black mid thigh shoulderless dress with a white bow tied around the waist. Her eyes were framed in a dark purple and she had a black lace choker. Half her hair was pinned in a loose pony tail as the rest hung down in loose waves, and a bronze rose ear cuff on her ear.
    Eva wore a a short sleeved black mid thigh dress, lace up high heels, black choker, dangly black ear rings, and a small black and red ring. Her eyes were framed in a dark gray color and her hair was in a bun with a small braid around it. Then Lexi walked in with my dress in her hands and set it down next to Alex.
     Lexi wore a red and black mid thigh dress that had a thin strap that wrapped around her neck. Her hair was straightened and sone had been pinned back by a long flower head band. She had a thin crystal heart choker and her eyes were framed in a deep red color.
    "Thanks" Alex said. Greta had her hair pinned in a messy bun with a few curly strands, her eyes a smoky red and purple look.
    "Oh look at you, you look absolutely beautiful" Lexi said
    "She's not even fully ready yet" Alexandria said chucking before she walked over and handed me a thin black choker with a tear drop shaped onyx that dangled off of it as Alex left to get ready "this is your wedding gift from me. I meant to give it to you at your engagement party but I didn't get a chance"
    "Its beautiful" I said smiling before pulling her into a hug. I put the choker on and Alex and Juniper had just walked back in.
    Alex wore a black Victorian mid thigh dress with black and gold lace bracelet attached to a small ring, a small diamond choker, and her eyes were light purple that faded into a black. Her hair was pinned back and I noticed the curls at the ends of her hair. Juniper had worn a light charcoal gray silk dress her hair was in a braided bun held together by a crystal leaf shaped pin. She had thin rope sandals on and a thin silver bracelet.
      "Here you are my beautiful friend" juniper said as I took the mirror. I rolled me eyes as I held up the mirror
     "I am anything but... whoa" I said as my eyes widened. Juniper had made my eyes look hollowed out and piercing with the black with little hints off gray outlining it. My lips were  deep red with small hints of an autumn colored orange. And with my hair being poofy just a bit, it framed my face.
    "Yea, exactly beautiful now lets get you dressed so Aries cam get before pictures" Juniper said.
     She grabbed my arm and lifted me up and took off my robe before grabbing my dress
     "Thanks for the varning" I said as she handed me the dress. It was long and white with curvy designs along the dress and creating the v neck and sleeves. The top was fitting and tight like it should while the bottom began to loosen and poof out some. The dress was absolutely beautiful and my favorite. Juniper helped me with my veil which was at least waist long with black lace spirals along the edge.
     "You look stunning" Alex said. I smiled
     "Thank you" I said as Aries walked in and handed me my red and black rose bouquet. she wore a black steam punk high low dress with large black dangly ear rings and choker. Her lips were red and her eyes framed in black. Her hair was pinned in a lose bun.
    "Not to rush you but we need to start pictures Ashley is already done. By the way nice job with allowing him to wear his war paint and stuff he looks amazing" Aries said before she grabbed my wrist and pulled me away causing us all to laugh.
     "You're so lucky I love you" I said

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