1 - {LadyNoir}

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A/N: Thank you so much @Little_Acrylics for requesting Ladynoir on this one. Bear :3 has just released her own book, so you should go check it out!

Hopefully I will get more requests on what ships to use on the next one. _ Slackers.

Bahaha just kidding. Just help me out next time. Please?

This has a bit of Adrienette at the beginning, but once it gets to the main part it's Ladynoir.

In this story they have been going to Master Fu with questions and stuff, and if they go together they are still transformed. So they don't know each others identities yet.

On with the story!


Regular Akuma attacks, they could handle. But since when did Hawkmoth tell his minions to go after something other than Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous?

The day started out normal for the students of Collège Françoise Dupont. They woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, and sat in class, listening to the teacher drone on. For two students, however, waking up on time was out of the question.

Adrien and Marinette were not only high schoolers. These two teenagers were also Paris' famous superhero duo. Last night, the duo had a late night patrol, jumping across the rooftops in search of any danger that may threaten their beloved city.

Because of this, both of the secret heroes slept through their alarm.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"-Inette. Marinette. MARINETTE!" Tikki yelled in Marinette's ear. With a loud shriek, Marinette leapt from her bed. "Marinette you're going to be late!"

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"Your alarm has been going off for a while. You slept all the way through it."

"Ugh." Marinette rushed around her room, frantically changing her clothes and pulling her hair into her classic pigtails. She ran downstairs, tripping on the last step, landing spread eagle on the floor, stopping right in front of her mom.

"Oh Sweetie, you really need to go to bed earlier." Sabine helped her daughter up, and handed her a croissant to eat on her way to school.

"I know Mama. Thanks, love you, see you later!" She kissed her mom on the cheek before bolting down to the bakery. "Love you Papa!" She kissed her dad on the cheek as well. Rushing out the door, Marinette almost face planted when she tripped on the curb. She quickly regained her balance and ran into the school building. It wasn't long after that she crashed head first into another person who was running just as late as she was. Marinette slowly raised her head to see orange shoes, blue jeans, a black shirt, 3 stripes on said shirt, a white jacket. She snapped her head up to see his face, and promptly freaked out, trying to scoot backwards and look somewhat dignified.

"A-Adrien? I am-am so sorry! I wasn't paying atten-attention and looking where I was goi-"

"Don't worry Marinette. It's my fault too. Are you ok?"

Marinette thought her heart might burst when he gently grabbed her shoulders to inspect her face for any sign of injuries. "I-I'm fine. But we might want to-to get to class."

"You're right." Adrien bent over to help her pick up her books, then picked up his as well."Let's go."

The duo (unbeknownst to them that the other is their crime fighting partner) walked down the empty halls, coming to a stop in front of the classroom. Adrien held the door open for Marinette, and they both walked in.

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