2 - {MariChat}

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Thank you so much to @joodycutie, for requesting MariChat for the prompt of Truth or Dare! This took a really long time to write, so so sorry! I'm sorry I haven't been updating any of my books yet. I've been busy, and what with writer's block on top of that. Anyways, enjoy this update!


Whatever brought Chat Noir to her balcony that night, Marinette had no idea. But what she did know - after the fact, at least - was that what followed him dropping by was a very enlightening game of truth or dare.

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Marinette truly hated homework. She spun aimlessly in her chair, trying to think through the next problem on the page. She blew out a heavy sigh and turned back to the paper, picking up her pencil, and glaring at the problem. Maybe if she just stared at it long enough it would figure itself out-

"You know, glaring at your paper isn't going to solve anything." Tikki piped up from her seat on top of her computer, where she was peacefully munching on a cookie.

"Oh hush, you," She pointed her pencil at her kwami. "You're not the one doing the homework."

Tikki simply shrugged, "Alright." The red kwami watched Marinette stress over her homework for a few more minutes, before she heard a distinctive thump on her balcony. She zipped off, leaving Marinette alone at her desk.

Tap tap tap.

Marinette jumped at the noise, slipping off her office chair and hitting her head on her desk. She groaned and rubbed her head as she climbed up her ladder to open the trapdoor. "Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"

Chat Noir was crouching in front of the trapdoor with a large grin on his face. "Just thought I'd drop by, Purrincess."

"Uh huh," She gave him a flat stare.

"You wouldn't leave me out in the cold, would you?" Chat widened his eyes and pressed his palm to his chest in an over-dramatic attempt to look offended.

"Just come inside," Marinette sighed and moved aside to let him in, dropping the trapdoor shut after.

"I knew you loved me," He sang and strolled through the trapdoor.

"I really don't," She sighed again and followed him down to the main floor in her room and collapsed onto her office chair as he lounged on her chaise.

He gasped, "You wound me, Princess."

Marinette stuck her tongue out at him, "Too bad so sad."

"Wow, aren't you on a roll tonight."

"You know it," She spun around on the office chair.

"Not fair," He crossed his arms with a pout.

"You'll get over it," She hummed. "What brought you around here?"

"It was on my patrol route," He shrugged. "I just felt like stopping by. We're friends, right?"

"We are. Was there anything you were planning on getting out of this?" She smirked.

"You wanna play a game?" He sat forward eagerly.

She narrowed her eyes. "What did you have in mind?"

He leant forward enough that he almost face planted off of her chaise. "Truth or dare!"

"Really?" Marinette was shocked at his choice. "I expected you to want to play a card game or board game or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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