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"I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself."


@drxcarys, xvii, scorpio, southern belle, Italian-American, college student 


One of the main reasons I absolutely adore Twilight is the emphasis on familial bonds as well as the power of love and friendship. Throughout the series, we see multiple instances of a family being supportive and truly being there for their family members no matter the circumstances. Yet, I also love how deeply connected everyone in the Twilight universe is to their partners, families, friends and covens/packs. Just the sheer support and together-ness had always been so intriguing to me. I also completely love the deep character histories of many of the vampires in the universe (Rose, Esme's, Jasper, Alec etc.) each have such unique and sorrowful histories and I think it is great that they don't all come from a happy place because that's unrealistic. People have flaws and dark histories and I love that Stephanie Meyer includes that. 

I have many favorite characters but my two favorites out of the main cast have to be Jasper and Leah.  


harry potter, game of thrones, teen wolf, lord of the rings, hobbit, twilight, marvel, Disney, criminal minds, hawaii five-o, ncis, night shift, grace and frankie


I am an anxious dog mom and I've had my baby for the seven years he has been alive. I also really love wolves and tigers. I have had the honor of meeting and interacting with two Siberian tiger cubs who are now almost fully mature.


Ed Sheeran- Castle on the Hill | Perfect | Photograph| 

Niall Horan- On the Loose | Too Much To Ask | Paper Houses | 

Imagine Dragons- Demons | Thunder | Whatever it Takes|


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