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today at 11:46 am
hey is this chaeyeon
it's guanlin

oh hey
yup it's chaeyeon!
weren't you in class??

nah our lunch period starts at 11:30 lol
how was your day \(^ω^)/

chaeyeon smiled at the text. she remembered in grade school when guanlin texted her for the first time through a minecraft chatbox (a.n LMAOO) and her friends went wild.

fuck i have a calculus test on friday rip

you sure cuss a lot now don't you


i'm just
not innocent

damn right you aren't

hey do you wanna hang later today?
i know it's a monday haha oops
we could just go somewhere near your house so you don't have to go far (^_^;)

chaeyeon thought it was a bit sudden. and she hadn't even told her old grade school friends yet; they would blow up if they found out they met last night and talked.

"well," chaeyeon said, rolling off her bed and picking up the phone charger. "what's stopping me?"

um sure!
we could go to tom n toms in nyeoheo
it's 24 hours haha i go there all the time

in gangnam right ??

oh wait
where do you live now?? is gangnam far for you?

oh no i just live in songpa hahah just wondering which one
there's tom n toms literally every block in songpa loll

dude there's a tom n toms every 200m in gangnam i'm laughing
me going to the one in nyeoheo is pretty extra since there's one near my house but 💁🏽

you use emojis??

oh uh yeah lol

but these emoticons are cuter (つД')ノ

haha ok
see you at 8?

yup see you!!
seen 5:24 pm

did i really just set myself up for a date? chaeyeon looked at the ceiling from her low mattress.

yes, yes i did.


final a.n note:
filler chapter since plot 404 error not found

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