Chapter V: Smoke and Mirrors

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Foxvalley Public Library, Foxvalley, Colorado

The moon gleamed brighter than any star in the dark night sky. The clouds of thunder that ravaged through the valley had already dissipated. Instead, a gleaming crescent moon cast light down upon the valley. The lights of Colorado Springs shown from the east. Stars dotted the night sky. Budsworth stood at the stairs of the library. Darkness engulfed around him. The dim beam from the streetlights lit the road with a charming orange color. Benjamin and Steven Queens stood behind him; a look of confusion plastered on both their faces.

He turned to them. Anger burned in his eyes. "I want you to tell me who the hell that man was!" Shouted Budsworth; rage began to overwhelm him. The two of them stayed quiet. "Jesus! He almost sent this whole place up in flames, and you're not going to say anything." He stepped up to Steven and grasped ahold of his shoulders. Budsworth breathed heavily. "Talk to me, God Damnit!" His gaze shifted from Steven to Ben. "Ben, can you tell me what the heck is going on here?" Ben stared at him with oversized eyes. Budsworth looked away. His cell phone rang again.

Budsworth reached into his pocket and pulled out the cell phone. Henderson was attempting to call him again. He answered the call and brought the phone up to his ear. "Budsworth, what the Hell is going on over there?" Henderson asked, sounding a little panicked.

"I was just asking the librarian the same thing. Say, what can you tell me about someone with the surname Hackshaw?" Budsworth asked; determined to get the answers he so desperately needed.

"Hackshaw? Do you mean Marley Hackshaw? Does he look like a Native American Indian by any chance?" Asked Henderson.

"Yep, that sounds like him," Budsworth answered with a sigh of relief. At least he knew who this guy was.

"Okay, I'm coming by to pick you up. After that then we can stop by Hackshaw. See if he knows anything."

"Actually, come and pick me up at Benjamin's house. I haven't dropped him off by his house yet."

"Alright, so what actually happened?" Asked Henderson. Budsworth spent the next few minutes explaining to him what he saw and heard from the Native American man. Ben stood on the steps giving Budsworth a long, strange gaze. Budsworth hung up his cell phone and stuffed it back into his pant pocket. He returned Ben's gaze with his own.

"Okay Benjamin, come on, I need to get you home. Your parents are probably worried sick about you," Budsworth ordered. Steven whispered something into Benjamin's ear Budsworth didn't catch. Ben gave him a nod and hurried toward the passenger side door of Budsworth's black Ford Taurus. Budsworth looked down at his watch. "Saturday; a Saturday night at 8:20 P.M." it read. He needed to get Ben home quickly, no telling how strict his parents might be about curfews. They both slipped into the car. Unlike how he looked on the way there, an unsettled look now occupied Ben's face. Budsworth could tell that he knew something. He looked terrified, because of something he wouldn't tell, couldn't tell. This kid's eyes bugled, and he breathed heavily.

Budsworth backed out onto the road. "I'm going to need you to tell me where you live. Is that alright?" Asked Budsworth. Ben only gave a nod, but never said a thing. Budsworth found it strange, Benjamin had been the most talkative person all day. How did that all change? And so quickly in a matter of fact. After such a long period of silence, Ben finally broke through it.

"Left up here at the stop sign," He ordered. Budsworth did as he said, pulling onto the road named, Hemfeild Rd. Silence infested the road and building surrounding them. Not even an evening cat strolled across the street. Darkness flooded the houses, except for a nightlight near the window of every building. As if it was some tradition of the town to keep a light on every night. The wind outside blew hard against the car, making a whistling sound.

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