The future

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The first book of my Foxvalley series has broken through the barrier of the wattys into the longlist. The second stance of the Wattys, and I am honored. To be honest I forgot I was even a part of the wattys, but then this wonderful thing happened. I got contacted that my book had just reached the wattys longlist.

The amazement I felt from that. It was amazing. I always hoped Foxvalley would get somewhere. God, this makes me want to go out and find an agent right now, but that must wait. Whether I will ever crash into the shortlist I'm not sure. I'm guessing my chances are about 10 to 11%. Now those odds are much greater than the percentage it'd take to make it to the long list, which is 0.5%.

It shocks me, and I know it isn't chosen at random, but my god. It makes me feel very warm and fuzzy inside to know I'm doing something right. Now all I have to do is wait to see whether I reach the shortlist. Of course, I won't hold my breath. Sure, it'd be a let down to learn that Foxvalley didn't make it, but who knows, maybe Foxvalley: Kitsune will.

Foxvalley has grown the last two years. From starting as an inspiration from Netflix's Stranger Things, to a X Files fanfic series, to its own entity. It's been a long an complicated run for Foxvalley. Starting with the name of Vulpesville, to the now Foxvalley. The story which originally was supposed to follow a group of younger characters to the small town murder mystery it is today. To the legend and creatures to tells of. Foxvalley has gone a long way and my mind has matured.

Foxvalley is my pride and joy. This small imaginary town nestled in a valley where normal does not exist. My characters are a part of me. The stern sheriff, the curious Ben, the mistaken Native American, the confused FBI agent, and the believing librarian. They all make up the story and all contribute greatly.

The story suffered many rewrites to the one I have today. Out of all the plan books of the series Vanished will continue to be my number one. It started everything and presented the questions you'll asking till the next book. It'll get you asking about Foxvalley.

Book 2: Kitsune is coming along. You can read it know, but only the prologue. The novel isn't very far along. If you want answeres book two is coming with more answers and twists, turns, and a lot of suspense.

Unfortunately, Foxvalley did not reach the shortlist, but there's always the second book.

Do you ever want to see that geography of Foxvalley. Go to Google maps, search CO-9. Keep between Canon City and Guffey. Use the street view mode and search for the red sign, Martin Marietta Thanks You.

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