Chapter VI: One Fateful Night

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Colorado 9, between Foxvalley and Canon City, Colorado

The headlights of a roving vehicle casted light along the road before it. A couple sat in the front seat. They were quiet, just about dead quiet. Their 70s-looking red roofless Chevrolet car rode along the silent right side of the road. The man drove the vehicle, while his girlfriend sat in the seat beside him. His arm wrapped around the back of her shoulders. She looked, blankly, into the dense smoke. The moment before they left town they saw the fire on the mountain west the valley.

The car radio sang a slow song. They rode calmly into the night, unaware of the darkness lurking behind them. The man looked over at the women beside him, reaching over to hold her hand. She gave him a slight smile with her cherry red lips. "Silvia, it's going to be alright," He tried to comfort her, but it didn't seem to do much. She gave another awkward smile before looking out the window beside her. The wind blew through her long, ginger hair. They heard of the recent fires along the Appalachian Chain. The thought of a wildfire raging through the small town scared them. Not only that, but all the disappearances lately. The FBI agent investigatind the disappearances didn't didn't change much on what they thought, what if he ended up the next to disappear.

The music irradiating from the car radio began going in and out of static. The man reached up and turned it off. He laid back in his seat in silence. The lights from inside the car blinked rapidly. The gauges above the steering wheel started panicking, moving about frantically. "The Hell?" The man said, flipping on the car hazard blinkers. He pulled off along the side the road, and put the car into parking gear. He looked back at his girlfriend. "Stay in here. I'll be back," he said, before stepping out of the car.

The man stood up from his car. Darkness flooded around his slender body, covered by a purple polo shirt. The man reached back in and popped the hood. Two blood red eyes watched him from the mountains, but they had yet to be noticed by him. The man circled around the front of the vehicle. He pulled the hood up, revealing the steaming engine beneath.

He leaned in over the car battery. It seemed perfectly fine, what happened? A puddle of water from the thunderstorm earlier rippled. The man's eyes diverted from the battery to the ripples in the nearby puddle. The water made another ripple, this time accompanied by the slight shake of the ground. The sound of a tree snapping in the distance broke through the silence. The man's eyes widened in panic. He slammed the hood shut and turned to face the woods. He could see the silhouette of something in the woods. Something big. He rushed to his girlfriend's passenger side door. She jumped out of shock the moment her door swung open. The man reached his hand in, and pulled her from the seat. The ground made another violent shake. This time the car rocked from the shudder of the ground.

"Come on we have to go. Hurry, run back to town and get help. There's an FBI agent in town, go find him and tell him about anything you see tonight," He ordered, holding her by her shoulders. A look of terror in both their eyes.

"What? No, no I can't go without you. Tell me, what's going on Ken?" She asked. He glared back into the forest behind him. The asphalt ground shook again from under their feet. A loud SNAP shot through the forest. The man only wrapped his arms around her and embraced her in a hug, holding her tight.

"I'm not sure yet, just go. I'll be right behind you, just do it," He reassued, letting her go. A tear dropped from her eye. He looked back at her to see her still standing there. "GO, hurry!" Ken ordered. Her eyes grew, and another tear rolled down her cheek. She turned and began running in her blue jeans. Ken turned back to the woods behind him. He app reached cautiously. The branches if the tree rustled behind him. His eyes slowly up towards the rustling leaves. They widened, full of panic. His heart pumped faster and faster. He let out a blood curling cry of freight and pain, which echoed through the mountains. The sound of a crushing and snapping of bones erupted from the forest. A low growled rumbled through the darkness.

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