Chapter One

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"-And so he was like, you've never even kissed someone so why are you even giving me advice? And I was like 'err... yeah I did' and he was like..."

Yoongi sighed as he listened to his best friend rant. It was Saturday night and Yoongi was sleeping over at Jimin's house, playing video games and gossiping about their friends. It was a tradition that they upheld since they were kids, when they were young and extremely sassy for boys who were deemed to be 'angels' in their parent's eyes.

Yoongi was currently trying to fight off the Nazi zombies whilst defending Jimin, who was too distracted by his speech to help him. Another sigh strayed from his plump lips when a zombie attacked him from behind, effectively killing him.

"Revive me, you dick" he muttered, successfully cutting off Jimin mid-sentence. Jimin blinked quickly, trying to make sense of what Yoongi just said and finally glancing back at the screen.

"Wha-huh? Oh yeah!" He gasped and apologized profusely. He focused back on the game, fingers moving expertly over the buttons and trying his best to plough through the hoard of zombies to get to Yoongi's player in time before the little timer floating on top of his body ran out.

Yoongi took the time to stare at him. Jimin's tongue was hanging out of his mouth cutely and his eyebrows were furrowed oh so prettily in concentration. Yoongi was ashamed to admit that he was madly in love with his best friend; a guy who he was pretty sure was straight. Jimin never really said that he was only into girls but the constant crushes he told Yoongi about pretty much proved it. Sure, it hurt whenever Jimin would gush about a pretty girl in his class who let him borrow a pencil (because the boy never bought any stationary at school and it infuriated Yoongi whenever they shared a class) but Yoongi was just glad that he got to hang around with him every day, even if it meant he would never have the chance to date said love interest.

"Yoongi, why are you just standing there? Do something!"

Jimin looked back at the screen and realized they were being attacked from all around.

They weren't going to make it, that part was obvious. Just as he thought that, Jimin's side of the screen went grey with blood splatters. Jimin was dead.

"Revive me, you dick" he mimicked, leaning back and waiting for Yoongi's player to reach him. Yoongi's player was instantly killed seconds after Jimin's, making the whole screen go black and display the words; 'game over' in a bloody font.

"Aish! We could have beat our score if you didn't spend so much time staring at me like a creep" he said with no bite behind his words.

A flush crawled its way up Yoongi's neck at the fact that he got caught ogling him.

"He has a point you know" Yoongi replied in an attempt to change the topic.

"Who?" Jimin asked, turning off the games console and rummaging around his messy bed to look for his laptop.

"Kookie, he's right when he said that it wasn't a kiss"

"What?! It so was!"

"Brushing your lips against each other is not considered a kiss" he responded, secretly glad that Jimin fell for his not so subtle change of topic.

"Have you even searched up kissing in a dictionary, Min Yoongi? What me and Sujin noona did was totally kiss"

"Jimin, people don't brush hands and call that a handshake, it's not any different with lips either"

Jimin huffed in resignation. He knew Yoongi was right but he wasn't going to go down without a fight, his pride was on the line. He got up from his seat on the floor and walked out of the room leaving a dumbfounded Yoongi behind.

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