chapter 3

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     As Chloe sat in her trailer attempting to read over her lines one final time before her first day of set she found her mind going back to the man who had winked at her nearly 40 minutes beforehand.

      She had blushed. She was almost positive Austin, her four year boyfriend, had noticed. She doubted he'd let it go without an interrogation once she returned home. It was just a blush, just a darken of her cheek pigment in a two by three inch space. It was something she could've easily blamed on the crowd's eyes on her. Not the way the man's eyes seemed to burn through her, seemed to linger on her figure. Checking her out, yet unashamed of it. 

     He had to have seen her significant other in the car, right? He had to have known she was taken and it was hard to believe that he didn't care.

     As she began to contemplate the lengthy relationship between her and the One Tree Hill star a sharp knock at her trailer door interrupted her thoughts. 

     "Chloe Bennet? We need you in about 5 minutes" She sighed heavily and arose from her seat  in the stuffy room, picking up the hanger that she had passed when she originally entered and began to change.

      As she began to pull her t-shirt over her head she heard the door click and swing open, still blinded by her shirt, she assumed it was the same girl who had called her for set. 

     "Give me three minutes, please" She said quickly. When she was met with silence she pulled her shirt over her head in a huff and looked expectantly to the doorway. She was taken aback when she saw the same man she had passed in the entrance to the site they were currently at. The man that she had just been blushing over almost two minutes ago.

     He took a minute to reach her eyes as his own raked up her figure. "Uhh, sorry I must've gone a trailer too far to the left... haha... ha..." He took one last almost un-noticeable glance to her chest, covered only by a thin cotton bra, and swung the door shut.

A/N : HOOOOOLY SHIT!!!! School has been totally kicking my ass!!:(( I'm in my school production of The Little Mermaid with rehearsals three days a week so when I get free time I don't usually log on and think about updating this right away. I'm so sorry for going radio silent and I'm surprised at the support this story has received so far!! I'll be trying to upload at least three-four times a week but I can't make any promises because I'm not sure how I'll be able to make time for this.

A/N #2 : It is currently 8:59 on sunday night (central timezone) and I just realized I have rehearsals tomorrow until 6, which means I have like three hours before the wifi is turned off  at 9:00pm(hella strict parents,, im a sophomore in high school) in which i need to shower & eat some form of dinner. not sure when i'll be able to write this next chapter so i'll try maybeee in the morning? on the walk to school, or free time during rehearsals. I'm so excited to continue writing this & i love everyone who's supporting this!!! CROSS OUR FINGERS FOR A CHAPTER TOMORROW!!!! (or maybe tonight if i end up feeling up to it:)) 

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