chapter 4

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     She should be enraged at the fact that he started at her so unabashedly, as if daring her to say something about it or notice. But she isn't. She's invigorated by the idea of being shown interest in, in a way that's totally new.

    She pushes away the thoughts almost as soon as it arrives, brushing off the sequence off events that had been playing through her head nonstop for the last hour. She heaves her trailer door open and blocks the sun from her eyes as she tries to figure out where to go to set.

(A/N: I've been lately forcing myself to like ship chlogan or enjoy logan's vlogs. he's no longer someone I idolize and I'm not too sure I'll be continuing this story. I'm really frickin sorry but right now I'll watch some chlogan vlogs and see if I can write a long chapter for you guys tonight.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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