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He's staring at her all day, it makes her feel uncomfortable. It was just the other day that Minhyun confessed to Seunghee and right now, all this weight he's putting on her is inescapable. She's distressed and Elkie's the first one to be aware of it.

Seunghee sits on her usual chair in the waiting area of the restaurant and she's fidgety. Elkie, who is checking on them every now and then, immediately notices. She walks to her worried.

"Unnie, are you alright? It seems you're upset about something," Elkie asks.

Seunghee shakes her head and replies, Minhyun is still watching her she knows, "No, I'm okay. This is nothing. Maybe I'm just stressed about today's performance."

"Why? It's nothing new," Elkie says. Then she squats beside her and whispers that nobody can hear them. "Is it about one of the boys?"

Seunghee turns to her surprised. She's amazed at her really perfect intuition. "Are you a psychic or what?" she whispers too. She's scared Minhyun might hear.

"I knew it. Who is it unnie?"

She looks at her worried. Then she drags her out of the room to the washroom fast.

In the restroom, Elkie squeaks in a whisper, cringing after she tells her.

"Really? Really unnie?" she sounds excited.

Seunghee nods, "It's just bothering me. I never knew he can be this demanding when pursuing a girl. I feel suffocated. And it's only just a few days."

"Unnie! I always wondered who among the boys will make a move on you and it's Minhyun oppa all along."

"Well, he's the closest to me. We write songs together..."

"So what's the score unnie?"

"You know I like Jeonghan-ssi."

"Isn't that just some crush or infatuation?"

"I'm not sure. I just know I like him."

"Then how about Minhyun-oppa?"

"I don't know Elkie. For now, I just want to gauge everything. I don't want to rush things."

"I'm just here unnie. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be right here."

"Thanks Elkie."

Seunghee sighs on it. It's something that's gonna affect the band, she knows. But how can she deal with Minhyun like this? She never thought this situation will ever happen to her. She never really took interest in any of her members from the start. It was all because they shared the same interest and they jive well within the band. She actually looks at them as brothers. And this is really stressing her out.

Then Elkie's phone rings and she quickly answers it infront of her unnie.

"Seungkwan-ah, I'm at the restaurant right now. My classes starts at 1. You will? Okay, yah, I'll see you then. Bye," she puts the phone down as soon as she ends the call and finds Seunghee staring at her with questioning eyes. She knows she's curious about Seungkwan.

"Do I have something on my face?" Elkie tries to avoid the question, tilting her head sideways in a cute way.

But Seunghee presses on the issue, "That was Seungkwan-ssi again. He's been calling you often these days and it sounds really suspicious."

Elkie only giggles at her and her eyes are shining like diamonds.

"Are you and him-?" Seunghee finds it hard to believe. "Since when? Why didn't I see this coming?"

Don't Wanna Cry  (Seventeen Jeonghan x CLC Seunghee)Where stories live. Discover now