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Tonight is finally Seunghee's very first performance. She's excited, Jeonghan is with her backstage before going on stage. They're holding hands and it's really nerve-racking for her. It's a first that she has to stand on a stage all on her own and it's a first too that she has a supportive boyfriend holding her hand right now.

"You see those people, they'll be listening. And I'm sure a part of them will be touched by your music. It's gonna be okay. Just do what you do best," he tells her.

"Yes, thank you," she replies.

"Fighting!" he cheers on with a smile.

She smiles back and in a few minutes, after the keyboards is set up at the middle of the stage, she walks up and sits infront of it.

The crowd is confused for a moment, thinking about why a musical instrument is set up at the stage and what a pretty lady is doing there alone. It's a rare sight, bands don't usually perform in this pub for longer one can remember, more so a solo act who plays some keyboards.

From the moment Seunghee samples on some keys, she already catches the attention of some bar-goers. They sit quietly, awaiting her to start. Soon, she finally hits the intro keys.

For her first song, she sings her own composition. A piano piece she has written since her departure from her band.

"[Song: Hanson – Me, Myself and I]
La da da, la da da, la da da..."

It must be the end of the road
It must be the end of you and I
And forever too
Walking the last bridge alone
We've given up on the good times
And the bad we knew

When I'm alone in a cold, dark room, well
There's still someone that I can tell my troubles to

Me, myself and I will never be alone
We'll find a way to get along
And we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself and I
Myself and I will never be alone
We will find a way to get along
And we'll be fine
When all that's left is me myself and I..."

For a pub so loud, it's the first time for a ballad to be heard, and the crowd is mesmerized. They are all silent, listening to the beautiful sound of melody and watching the beautiful woman sing her heart solemnly.

"When did it start getting old?
When did it stop being worth the time
Just the to see it through?
I don't wanna get used to 'It's over'
We've already said too much to make it new..."

Another round of refrain and chorus draws the crowd in even more. It's penetrating. The feeling, the loneliness, the definite message of the mellow song. Seunghee has given them a glimpse of her struggles and sadness. And it's captivating them.

"Well, it's hard to see that you don't belong to me
When I gave you the best part of my life
Well, I tried to be everything that you want me to be
But I don't have to give you reasons why
When all that's left is me, myself and I..."

She plays the piano instrumental with so much emotion and sentiment and it's just too hard to ignore. Even the staffs and workers around, pause for a while to listen and watch her. It's such a heartfelt song.

"I'm not gonna try to forget
Maybe happiness is worth the chance of a bitter end?
Cuz here at the end of the road,
I don't really care who is right
I'll give you the last words tonight

Cuz me, myself and I will never be alone
We'll find a way to get along
And we'll be fine
When all that's left is me, myself and I
Myself and I will never be alone
We will find a way to get along
And we'll be fine
When all that's left is me myself and I

Don't Wanna Cry  (Seventeen Jeonghan x CLC Seunghee)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang