1. New School, New Friends

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(Your outfit and ripped jeans instead of shorts)

(Your POV)
I woke up and went into the shower to wake myself up. After my shower I got dressed into a black half-top, ripped jeans, a red flannel tied around my waist, brown boots, my black round sunglasses and my black backpack. I cooked breakfast for Andy and I. I was at the stove, cooking pancakes and I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and someone pull me back into them. I giggled and I heard his deep, sexy chuckle. "Morning babe," Andy husked out and I smiled and he kissed me. "Morning babe," I said and put the pancakes on our plates. We headed off to our new school and went to the front office. We got our schedules and had all the classes together. "I have one of our student ambassadors here, her name is Camila and she'll show you to your classes," Principal Lovato said and I nodded. "Hi! I'm Camila. Do you mind if I have a look at your schedule?" Camila said and I handed her my schedule. "Oh nice! We have all the classes together," Camila said and I smiled. "C'mon, we have to go to our Strength Training. It's very hard, requires immense cardio, so heads up," Camila said and I nodded. Andy slung his arm over my shoulder and I intertwined my left hand with his and wrapped my other arm around his lower back. Camila looked back at us and awwed. "Lemme guess, high school sweethearts?" Camila asked. "More like grade school sweethearts," Andy said and Camila awwed louder. I giggled and she smiled. "You're lucky, I haven't found my mate yet," Camila said. "Oh, we're not mates. Not to sound rude babe," I said and he chuckled and Camila looked confused. "We're dating even though we haven't found our mates, but once one of us does, we're over, but we'll remain friends," Andy explained and I nodded and kissed his jawline. "Okay, c'mon, let's go meet my friends!" Camila said and Andy saw some guys and walked over to them. "So, who're (A/N: I know, remove the ' and it spells whore) your friends?" I asked Camila. "You'll see," Camila said and I pouted. She giggled and the three girls noticed her. "Mila!" A small, happy girl said. She's legit the sun reincarnated in a small girl's body! Holy hell, she's happy too, maybe a bit too happy, oh well. She looks adorable, and positive, huh, I should talk to her whenever I feel down and Andy is not around. "Hey, I'm Y/N, I'm new here," I said and they nodded. "Hi! I'm Ally," Sunshine said. "Hi Sunshine," I said and she giggled which was the most cutest thing ever! "I'm Normani," a beautiful dark-skinned girl said. "Hi, Normami," I said and she giggled. "Hoi, you tryna hit on my mate?" I heard the tall light-skinned girl say. "N-no, I-I didn't mean it to hit on her. I-," I stuttered and she cut me off. "I'm joking, my name's Dinah," She said. "Well hi there Princess," I said and she giggled. "So you two are mates?" I asked and she nodded and wrapped her arm around Normani's waist. "Aww cute," I said and they blushed. "Hey, what's my nickname?" Camila asked, jumping in front of me to get my attention. I giggled and thought for a moment. "I have a few," I said. "Tell me!" Camila said and I giggled. "Canola, Milz, Camz, Cami, I have a strong feeling you're a banana type of girl so Banana Girl," I said and she gasped. "How'd you know I love bananas?" Camila asked. "I dunno, I got a strong feeling you love bananas," I said and she giggled. "Ooh! And also Kitten and Bow Girl," I said pointing to the black bow on her head. "Aww," Camila cooed and hugged me. I hugged her and giggled. "So, what Super are you?" Dinah asked. "Werewolf," I said and she nodded. "Same," Norminah said. "Banshee," Camila said. "I-wow, you're the first Banshee I've ever encountered," I said and they looked surprised. "You've never met a Banshee?" Ally asked and I shook my head. "Nope, not until now," I said and they nodded. "I'm a Vampire," Ally said. "I could tell," I said. "Ah, the scent," Ally said and I smiled and pointed at her. "Where's Lauren? Does anybody know?" Camila asked. "Probably walking around, brooding," Dinah said. "I wouldn't necessarily call walking around brooding, Dinah. I've never met her but I would say walking around," I said and a raven haired, green eyed girl came next to us. Holy shit, she's fucking gorgeous! MATE!! What, she's our mate Mysti? YES! MATE!! But Mysti, I'm with Andy..what if I try making her fall for me while I'm with Andy? That way, if she rejects me, Andy'll be there. Okay, but I want our mate! I know, I do too, but it's forbidden. I don't care, I'll make her ours. "Y/N?" Normani said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Yeah? Sorry, Mysti, my wolf, was bothering me about something," I replied. "This is Lauren, the one I said was brooding," Dinah said and I sighed and shook my head, smiling. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't brood, she doesn't seem like the type to brood," I said and she rolled her eyes. "Phantom Viper? That you?" I heard and looked up to see my trainer: Rin, but her ninja name is Ruby Moon. I've also earned the name: Miwa Tsukiko. Miwa: beauty/harmony; Tsukiko: moon child. "Rin, chotto(Rin, hey!)!" I greeted her in Japanese and bowed. "Genki kai?(How are you?)" Rin asked. "Watashi wa nesshinda! (I'm eager!) Genkideshita ka? (How have you been?)" I asked. "I've been well, I've also been protecting the Village," Rin said. "What?! Why didn't you call me or send a bird? I would've helped!" I said. "Calm down Little Palm Top Tiger," Rin said. (A/N: If you get this anime reference I love you.) I pouted at the nickname that has stuck with me for years. "You know I hate being called that," I grumbled and she chuckled and patted my head. "I'm your trainer, so I get to call you what I want," Rin said. "Mmm, honey I don't think so," I sassed and flipped my bangs to the side. "Sassy!" Dinah said and I giggled. "Of course I am!" I said and they laughed. "I'm Y/N, I'm guessing you're Lauren. Sorry for the delayed and interrupted introduction," I said to the raven haired green eyed beauty. "Hi, Y/N, and I'm Lauren the one who walks around 'brooding' as Dinah says. In all reality, I use nature as a quiet escape for myself," Lauren said and we shook hands. "Oh, wow! I do the same, Andy actually had looked for me a few times because I tend to lose track of time," I said and giggled shyly. "Boo!" Andy said and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, making me squeal. "You're mean!" I pouted and he chuckled and kissed my temple. "I scared you out of love babe," Andy said and I scoffed playfully. "I call bullshit Andrew," I said and he laughed. "You should meet my new friends and bandmates later," Andy said and I nodded. "Okay, I think my boys are here at this school. I just gotta track em down," I said and Andy chuckled. "Uh-oh, that's not good, you hunting them down," Andy said and I laughed. "I love you, I gotta go. Got songs to practice," Andy said and I nodded. "Okay, go kill em babe. I love you too," I said and kissed him softly while smiling. He smiled and ran off to a group of four guys. "You two are in a band?" Camila asked and I nodded. "Yeah, but separate bands. Andy's recent bandmates left the band and he's been looking for four new people," I said and they nodded. "What genre?" Lauren asked. "Alternative, although it's more known as emo or screamo music," I said and she noded. "So, do you sing..screamo?" Dinah asked and I nodded. "I gotta track down my boys first, then I'll give you five a lil performance," I said and they nodded and followed me to where I could sense the boys' scents. "Matt, Lee, Matthew, Jordan!" I said and they saw me and ran to me, engulfing me into a group hug. "Y/N/N!" They said happily. "Hi," I said and they chuckled. "I'm guessing you finished Strength Training?" Matt asked. "Nope, teacher didn't show up after 15 minutes so we're allowed to leave. Anywhore, wanna give my new friends a lil performance?" I asked and everyone chuckled and the boys nodded.

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