2. Broken Promises Hurt

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(Your outfit)

(Your POV)
"You promised me you wouldn't kill Alphas to become one, you're a liar! I regret the day I met you!" I yelled and knocked him out. Lauren walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "It's gonna be okay babe, they don't allow those types of Alphas here," Lauren said softly and I nodded against her embrace, wrapping my arms around her.

The principal walked over to us after Demi ran to go get her. Andy tried changing his eye color but I used my powers to keep them the blood red. "Andrew Biersack you are expelled from Lakewood High because you have killed Alphas to become one," the principal said and he sighed angrily and was escorted out. I sighed in relief and my mom looked at me. "You alright?" She asked and I nodded. "I'm fine," I said. "We'll talk about it later okay?" She said and I nodded. Lauren nudged me. "Bell rang, let's go somewhere," Lauren said and I nodded and left with her. Lauren took me to her house and we went to her room. "I have to tell you something, and I'm afraid you might think I'm weird," Lauren said and sighed. I cupped her cheek and rubbed my thumb on her cheek. "Whatever you have to tell me, it's fine, I'm not too judgemental," I said and she chuckled. "I...was born intersex," Lauren said and I nodded. "Okay," I said and she looked confused. "The fact you were born intersex doesn't change the way I feel about you Laury, you're still my mate," I said and she smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and smiled while biting her bottom lip as I pulled away. She chuckled and I kissed her again then pulled away. "Gryffon?" I heard a familiar voice and looked to see my old Lieutenant General: Caveira. "Caveira?" I said shocked. She smiled and walked over to me and I hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and I smiled. "How's Brazil?" I asked. "I haven't been there in a while, but Capitão says it's getting less and less crimes," Cav said and I nodded. "Wait, what do you mean when you said you haven't been to Brazil?" I asked. "I've been asked to make a group of operators that would help me take down hunters," Cav said and I nodded. "Would you like to help me?" Cav asked and I nodded. "Get Ash, Valk, Frost, Mira, Ying, Hibana, IQ, and Ela also, I'm gonna need Echo's Yokai drone, Glaz's rifle and Jackal's scanner," I said and she nodded. "I'll call you when I have everyone," Cav said and I nodded. Cav left and I sighed. Cav and I were away from everyone else so we could keep classified info, classified. "Hey Cav!" I said before she left. "What?" She said back. "You still hella thicc from the back tho!" I said and she laughed and shook her head before walking off. Lauren looked a bit jealous when I walked back over to the girls. "Y/N/N, was that Caveira?" Demi asked and I nodded. She sighed and punched the locker next to her. "Demi, calm down," I said. "What did she say?" Demi asked. "Nothing," I lied. "Don't you fucking lie to me Gryffon," Demi said. I sighed, "I have been asked to go take down hunters, I said I'd help." Demi slammed me against the lockers. "Leave her alone!" I tuned the girls back in. "You almost got killed by hunters and you're gonna go back hunting them?! Are you that stupid?!" Demi yelled at me. "I just want to prove I'm not useless and worthless so back off my case!" I yelled back and threw her off me and across the hall to the other set of lockers. I sighed and walked off. "No one follow me," I said as I left. 


I was in the forest walking around and I heard a twig snap and a rifle was cocked, ready to fire at any moment. Hunters. I went up onto a tree and sniffed the hunters out. I smelled Wolfsbane which made me dizzy and gave me a headache. I shook my head and jumped down in my half-form and scratched the hunters and had cut their throats and I coughed inhaling the Wolfsbane at being close to it, I stumbled away from the bodies and Wolfsbane and fell unconscious.

(Unknown's POV)
"Where is she Nan?" I asked and Nan ran to the woods with Misty and I following after her. "Y/N," Misty said and kneeled down next to her. "She's unconscious, she breathed in Wolfsbane, we have to bring her back to Cordelia," Misty said and I nodded. Misty picked her up and we walked back to my car and put her in the back with Misty and had driven back to the house. "Cordelia!" Nan said and Cordelia and Queenie had come outside. "What is it?" Cordelia asked. "It's Y/N, she needs help, she inhaled too much Wolfsbane, I think," Misty said and Delia nodded and we got her to the green house. Delia made some stuff for Y/N to inhale. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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