Trouble On the First Day

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"Leave, or I-I'll...I'll smite you!"

The young scion of the Izayoi family followed the source of the voice as best as he could and found himself heading towards the back of the perimeter. He quickened his pace until he stopped short, coming across a short girl getting pushed around and harassed by a group of three boys. They wore black suits and ties; clear implications that they were reserve course students, compared to the girl, who wore the main course uniform along with a black witch hat and brown medieval boots.

"Look at this little girl! So small!"

"You're the Ultimate Magician? What a fucking joke!"

"I'm the Ultimate Mage! Get it right-ow! Stop that!"

"Now, now, boys, let's not get too rough with her yet..."

One of the boys had grabbed her wrist and that nearly sent Y/N's blood into a boil. Although he wasn't sure what they were going to do to her, but he was not going to stand around and find out. Simply walking over and grabbing her harasser's wrist, he effortlessly pried it off of the girl's arm and pushed him back, nearly knocking over the other two as the Ultimate Blacksmith stood between them and the Ultimate Magician.

"Hey, what the hell's your problem?! You're ruining our fun over here!"

"Reserve course trash like you guys don't get to judge the main course students, so back off."

"Oh yeah? What are you, then?" he sneered. Big mistake.

With a sigh, he turned to the girl and said, "Feel free to avert your eyes in case things might get ugly."

The girl was shaking before she shook her head, "I-I can handle it."

"Eh, if you say so..."


"What the-?!"

"He's got fucking knives!"

"Yeah, no shit. I wouldn't be the "Ultimate Blacksmith" if I didn't have any, would I?" he replied with an evil grin.


The bladed boy threw another kunai, aiming at one of the boy's feet. The blade went through the edge of his shoe, just barely missing his foot due to the absence of blood.

At the moment, they didn't know if the boy didn't know how to miss or if he was actually going for his foot.

"Killing is not in my forte, but it will be if I ever see scum like you again, got it?"

"D-D-Dude...that coat...I-I've seen that coat before!" one of them pointed out, "Red trench coat and knives...d-don't tell me you're him!"

"Close, but not quite. I'm his younger brother."

The reserve course students seemed as if all they could do was gawk at him, without even moving. Their statuesque forms didn't last much longer though, as they both smirked all of a sudden. They reached into the back of their suits and pulled out metal bats, seemingly turning the tides in their favor. "His younger brother, eh? Then you're not him; you're just a fucking joke who carries knives and shit for show!"

"Yeah? Why don't you come over here and prove it?" He tossed his bag off to the side, feeling more than ready for a fight.

With a mocking smirk, they all converged towards him in a pincer formation, the supposed leader powering through the front while the other two flanked him from the sides. Although their level of synchronization was rather impressive for talentless excuses for fighters, he pitied them greatly, given that their attacks were so easily telegraphed.

Visualize and execute. Slam from the front, swipe from the left, and strike from the right...

Y/N took one step back.

The slam hit nothing but the ground, causing minor damage to the bat itself. Both the swipe and the strike struck nothing but air. With a need to end the fight quickly, Y/N grabbed the bat belonging to the boy in front and pulled it towards him, dragging the boy with him before slamming him face first into the wall.

Then he drew a spiral knife out of someplace within his coat and stabbed it through the back of his shoulder, pinning him to the wall as he screamed in pain.


While the bully-turned victim desperately tried to remove the offending weapon that had fully pierced through his body and embedded itself in the wall, the other two reserve course students were wondering if they should help their friend or save their own skin. Y/N knew this as well, and spoke in a dangerous tone that could have promised a slow and painful death while pressing the tip of another spiral knife against the boy's neck. "I don't think I need to explain what happens if I see you assholes sneaking around campus again, do I?"

"N-No! We won't come near here again, we p-promise! Please, just pull it out already!" he cried. Y/N glared hatefully at him for a brief moment before gripping the hilt of the blade and forcefully removing it, throwing him to the ground. He picked himself up and ran as fast as his shaky legs could carry him alongside the others until they were finally out of Y/N's sight.

He growled lowly for a bit, his anger still somewhat present before it faded away into a sigh. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a white cloth and carefully wiped off the blood on the spiral knife he had used. After putting it back in his coat, he turned to the girl he had saved from the bullies, "You okay?"

The girl slowly got up and tried to walk, but seemed to be too shaken up. Those reserve course students seemed to have given her a hard time. She was about to fall over when he quickly caught her and hoisted her onto his shoulders. "Take it easy for now, alright? If you're barely able to walk at the moment, I'll have to take you to the infirmary...once I find out where that place is..."

"Nyeh...alright, fine," the girl responded in a somewhat unenthusiastic tone as he picked up his bag and walked through the entrance, all while carrying the Ultimate Magician on his shoulders. Along the way, he could practically feel her resting on top of his head while he took a deep breath and exhaled.

Upon entering the building, he was met with the sight of dozens of Ultimate students walking around, talking and discussing important details about their talents with each other. Y/N caught glances from other people every now and then, and according to his brother, they certainly weren't hard to recognize.

Ultimate Pop Sensation, Ultimate Photographer, Ultimate Lucky Student, even an Ultimate Imposter...damn, Hope's Peak can make Ultimates out of anything these days.

While analyzing the other students and their talents based on his early research, he tried to ignore some of the girls shooting lecherous looks at him while whispering to each other and giggling. Even more so, some of those girls were upperclassmen.

Dammit, this is gonna suck...

Y/N hated attracting attention sometimes.

"HEY!" The sudden yell made you turn your head in the direction of the source.

Judging from that tone, it meant trouble. And that kind of trouble brewed too much attention for his liking.

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